This publication reflects the content and
status of the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) Release 6. It
provides installation managers, system programmers, and IBM hardware and software
support personnel with information useful
for planning and implementing the release. In order to maintain a concurrent history
of the VM/370 endeavor, retain all previous
editions of the Release This publication has eight sections: Section 1 is a summary of changes to the VM/370 system for this release. Section 2 contains a module directory
and status lists of all modules in the
system. Section 3 contains charts showing
changes and additions to the VM/370 commands, macro instructions, and
service programs as well as cbanges to ABEID codes and WAIT states. Section 4 lists the deletions and
additions to the VM/370 library. It
also contains a chart that lists the
base publications and the corresponding TILs and/or supplements to those
publications. Another chart shows the
deletion or addition of duplicate
information within each publication.
This chart shows the publications where
this information is deleted and the
publications where this information has
been retained or added. Preface
Section 5 contains ordering and
distribution procedures for the program lIaterial shipped with the release and
for the available optional Section 6 contains
list of VM/370 allendments and
significance are
modifications to the
restri ctions '. On ly changes of major
included in this section 7 lists the APARs (Authorized Program Analysis Reports) that this
release corrects and integrates. Section 8 discusses changes that must be made to the system to maintain
ccmpatibility with hardware and software
this release supports. I Information on the Directory Maintenance I prcgram prod uct (Program No. 5748-XE4) I is for planning purposes only until I the availability of that I PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS IBM Virtual Order No. GC2Q-1800 Preface iii
VM/370 Introduction GC20-1BOO (20) + VM/370 Terminal
User's Guide GC20-1B10 (40) VM/370 CP Command
Reference for General
Users GC20-1820 (36)
t VM/370 Glossary and
Master Index GC20-1B13 (20) VM/370 System Messages GC20-18OS (40) + OSIVS, DOSIVSE VM/370 EREP
Messages GC38-1045-1 (40) Note: VM/370 System Messages is
required for all users of
virtual machines. Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) Library
(Release 6) Support VM/370 Interactive CMS User Operations VM/370 CMS User's
Guide GC20-1819 (39) VM/370 CMS Command
and Macro Reference VM/370 Operator's
Guide GC20-1806 (40)
GC20-181B (36) RSCS User OSIVS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's
Guide GC33·4021 (21) OSIVS-DOSIVS-VM/370 Assembler Language GC33·4010 (21) Legend: These publications are digests
of the formats of VM/370 commands and service programs. If all documents are to be
ordered, please use Order
No. GBOF3576 VM/370 REmote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) User's Guide GC20-1816 (30) VM/370 Quick Guide for
Users GX20-1926 (36) VM/370 Commands
(General User) GX20-1961 (36) VM/370 Commands (Other than General User) GX20·1995 (36)
1. * Indicates that the publication is new in Release 6.
2. The number in parentheses is the file number.
3.t Contains information on VM/370 EREP support. System Programming VM/370 Planning and System Generation
Guide GC20·1801 (34) VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual
Machine GC20-1B21 (34) t VM/370 System Programmer's Guide GC20·1807 (36) + VM/370 Release 6
Guide GC20-1834 (34) If all documents
are to be ordered, please use Order
No. SBOF·3B02 t
t GC20-1B23 VM/370 OL TSEP and
Error Recording Guide
(37) GC20-1B09 (37) VM/370 System Logic
and Problem Determination Volume 1 Control
Programs (CP) SY2O-OBB6 (36) VM/370 System Logic and
Problem Determination Volume 2 Conversational
Monitor System (CMS) SY20-0BB7 (36) VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination Volume 3 Remote Spool'g Communication Subsystem (RSCS) SY20-088B VM/370 Data Areas and
Control Block Logic SY20-0884 (36) VM/370 Service Routines
Program Logic
(36) SY20-0882 (37) OSIVS and VM/370 Assembler Program
Logic SY33-B041 (21) I t OSIVS, DOSIVSE, VM/370 Environmental Recording,
Editing, and Printing
(EREP) Program GC2B-0772 (37) + t OSIVS, DOSIVSE, VM!370 Environmental Recording,
Editing, and Printing IE REP) Program Logic SY2B-0773 (37)
Figure 0-1. The IB" Virtual ftachine Faci11ty/310 Library (Release 6)
iv IB" '"1370 Release 6 Guide
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