Directory Update-In-Place Support
This facility supports the Directory ftaintenance program product
(Program No. 5148-XE4). It provides the capability for virtual machines with privilege class B to update the CP object directory without running
the directory (DMKDIR) program. The CP directory exists in two forms:
a. Source directory -consists of the set of entries that defines all
virtual machines in a Vft/310 system.. Each virtual machine is defined
by a set of statements known as an entry that varies according to the machine specifications b. Object directory -consists of the salle information
the source directory but in a condensed control
readable format. as contained in
block, machine Prior to Release 6, the directory program was invoked to translate
the entire source directory to the object directory and write the object
directory to a system DASD device for each directory change. Given the
large number of directory entries consisting of vast numbers of
statements, this manner of directory updating was neither time nor
resource efficient. By the introduction of the new DIAGNOSE X'84'
instruction selected data fields in an online object directory are
updated without a full directory program compile run, thereby providing
an efficient alternative to running of the directory program. The
selected data fields are among those that do not require a change in the
object directory size when they are updated. The directory program must still be run, however, when updating requires either an expansion or a
contraction of the object directory entries. Two new copy control blocks, UCNTRL and UIPIRftS, are used in the new module DMKUDU to perform directory updating.
For more detailed information on the Directory Maintenance program product (program NO. 5148-XE4), refer to the following publications:
Licensed Program Design Objectives General Information Manual Licensed Program Specifications
GC20-1831 5C20-1839 VM/310 Directory Maintenance program Product Guide for
General Users 5C20-1840 VM/310 Directory Maintenance program Product Installation and System Administrator's Guide LY20-0889 VM/370 Directory Maintenance Program Product program Logic
Manual SRL AND PROGRAM LOGIC PUBLICATIONS The following publications contain inf or ilia ti on
update-in-place support: GC20-1807 System's Guide
GC20-1821 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine 5Y20-0884 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
on 5Y20-0886 System Logic and Problem Determination Guide, vol. 1
1-24 IBM VM/370 Release 6 Guide
Directory Program Fast I/O Support This support enhances the performance of the directory program (DeKDIR) when run under eMS by using blocking factors during reading and writing
of the directory source copy. Without one SO-byte source
record is read at a tiae resulting in time and resource inefficiency. Thrau, h blocking, the amount of I/O required to process the complete file las been reduced, thereby yielding both processor and elapsed time savinss.
SRL AND PROGRAM LOGIC PUBLICATIONS Thefollowing publications contain information on the directory program fast IIO support: GC20-1S07 System Progra •• er's Guide SY20-0884 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
Section 1. Summary of Changes to the V8/310 System 1-25
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