80DEL=n CYLHO=nnn is a decimal model number (lor 2). This operand is only for
the 2305 and corresponds to the 2305-1 and 2305-2, respectively.
is a decimal number that specifies the number of cylinders to
be If the CYLIO parameter is omitted, IBCDASDI intializes the entire real volume specified. If aore cylinders are than are available on
the minidisk, the message "Co.mand Reject" is returned. PLIGTEST=HO (applies to surface analysis) specifies that the program is
not to check for previously flagged tracks before surface
analysis is atteapted on this device. (FLIGTEST=IO applies only to 2314 and 2319 devices, and should be specified when
the disk recording surface is initialized for the first time.) Note: Because no on-drua volumes, are initialized.
check is made for previously flagged tracks PLAGTEST=NO is not coded when these devices P1SSES=n specifies the nuaber of passes per track to be aade in
checking for defective tracks. PASSES is valid when surface
analysis is to be performed or when a Quick DISDI is to be
perforaed on a 3330, 3330-1, 3340, or 3350 volume. The value
n can be 0 through 255. The 0 value indicates that a "Quick DASDI" is to be perforaed on a 3330, 3330-1, 3340, or 3350 volume. Por a 3330, 3330-1, 3340, or 3350 voluae, a value
other than zero causes record 0 to be written on each track. PASSES=O should be specified for 3330, 3340, and 3350 (full
disk or ainidisk) except when deliberately trying to free
alternate areas assigned by GETALT in the prime data area, at which tiae P1SSES=1 would have to be specified. No check is made for defective tracks on a 3330, 3330-1, 3340, or 3350. A value of 1 through 255 indicates the number of passes to be aade per track for volumes other than a 3330, 3330-1, 3340, or 3350 volu.e. If PASSES is oaitted, one pass is made per
track. BYP1SS=YES bypasses the rechecking
flagged as defective. If
are rechecked and those
assigned alternates. Por is ignored and BYPASS=YES 186 V8/370 Operator's Guide
of any tracks that are already BYPASS is omitted, flagged tracks
found defective are automatically 3330 or 3350 devices, this operand
is assumed.
The VLD statement labels the volume. is: The format of the VLD statement [name] VLD 1 NEiVOLID=serial 1 r , I I I I I, 11 I L .J I I [,ADDLABEL=ri] HEWVOLID=serial is a one-to-six character volume serial number. VOLPASS=l sets the volume security bit to 1. VOLPASS=O sets the volume security bit to O.
If VOLPASS is oaitted, the volu.e security bit is set to O. OiBERID=xxxxxxxxxx ADDLABEL=n
is a one-to-ten character field that identifies the owner of
the volume. If OiBERID is omitted, no identification is given. The ownerid CP370 is reserved for use by DftKPftT and
cannot be specified.
is a number between one and seven number of additional labels for
If ADDLABEL is omitted, 0 is assuaed.
that indicates
which space
the total
is to be
The VTOCD statement contains information for controlling the location of
the volume table of contents. The format of the VTOCD statement is: I i [name j I iVToeD I jSTRTADR=nnnnn I,EXTElfT=nnnn STRTADR=nnnnn
is the one to five byte track address, relative to the
beginning of the ainidisk, at which the volume table of
contents is to begin. The VTOC cannot occupy cylinder 0, track 00, or any alternate track. Section 4. V8/370 Service Prograas 187
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