EITERT=nnnn is the length of the voluae table of contents in tracks. The
nuaber (deciaal) of entries per track for each type of device
is given below.
Device -2301 2314/2319 2311 2305-1 2305-2 3330-1,2 3330-11 3340 3350 (in
18 34 39
native .ode) 46
The IPtTIT state.ent separates service progra. control statements fro. IPt progra. text state.ents. It is required only when IPL=YES is coded
on the DIDEr state.ent and 1Pt text is included. The stateaent consists
of the characters IPLTIT, followed by blanks. When 1Pt text is included, the ERD state.ent .ust follow it and EBD .ust start in coluan 2. The EID stateaent denotes the end of the job. It appears after the last
function-defining stateaent. The for.at of the EID statement is: I[ naae] IEID I[user inforaation] , The tlSTCIRD statement is required only when a IBCDlSDI job or a series
of stacked IBCDASDI jobs is followed bi other state.ents on the control statement input device. The tlSTCIRD statement must follow the last EBD statement applying to an IBCDISDI job. It consists of the operand tASTCARD, followed by blanks. 188 '8/370 Operator's Guide
ASSIGNING AN ALTERNATE TRACK (1) analyzes a track and, if necessary, assigns an alternate
or (2) bypasses testing, and assigns an alternate. You .ust specify the
tracks for which you wish alternates with a GETALT statement. an Alternate l!ack In alternate track (if
available) -Is-assigned for a track specified for testing and found
defective. If the defective track has had an alternate previously
assigned, a new alternate track is assigned. If the defective track is
an unassigned alternate track, it is flagged to prevent its future use
and another alternate track is selected. The alternate track address is made known to the operator.
If a track is tested and found to be "not defective," no alternate is
assigned. The operator is notified by a aessage. The program's defective
track checking feature can be bypassed, and an alternate track can be
assigned for any track, whether it is permanently defective or not. If
the specified track is an alternate, a new alternate track is assigned.
If the specified track is an unassigned alternate, it is flagged to
prevent its future use. For 3330, 3340, and 3350 minidisks you aust on the real disk. Any references thereafter to ainidisk are referred to the alternate track.
assign the alternate
that track on the Section 4. V8/370 Service Prograas 189
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