further process this historical file ty user-created progra.s
or CftS co •• ands. See "HOw To Print a CP lbend Dump from Tape"
later in this section for an exaaple of how CBS can do this. IUTO spools abend duaps to a virtual card reader with a class of D
for a specific userid. This userid either is assigned during systea generation to a specific virtual aachine user, or
defaults to the userid of OPERATNS. Thus# only the specified User with a privilege class of C or E can invoke VftFDUMP and
achieve desired results. The duap spool file can be manipulated by the user just like any other spool file, except that it can be interpreted correctly only by the VMFDU!P prograa. The device type and address of this virtual card
reader can be determined issuing a OUERY DUMP co •• and. The systea then responds with the device type and the channel and
unit address of the systea duap device. CP dumps only CP storage. ALL causes all of processor storage (that is, all data that relates to CP as well as all virtual aachines) to be dumped to
the selected deyice. If the ILL option is not specified, then
the systea duaps those areas that pertain to CP, and not those
areas that pertain to user virtual machine operations. Only dumps created by SET DUftP IUTO can be used by the IPCS VMFDUMP service program USING THE YMFDU!P COftBliD the IPCS YftFDUftP co •• and uses the DftftEDft program to read the CP spoo]
reader file that contains the systea du.p and write it on the CMS A-disk. The DftftED! prograa then reads the dump information from the CBS disk, selecting, and formatting various control blocks, which it directs
to the spooled printer (per VftFDUftP operands),. The program also prints
a hexadeci.al duap, then erases or retains the CftS file, on
the options chosen. Only users with privilege class C or E can invoke fftPDUBP. In addition to producing foraatted dump output, VftFDU!P autoaatically generates a problem report file from abend dump information and operator-proapted responses which aids in problem analYSis, is described fully in the Con!!2! 2yid!. The format of the VMFDUMP command is: r 'BPDUMP I PRBnnnnn
L PRBnnnnn specifies the problem. This
prob1e. report
, r , I IBRISE I J IROBIP I INOHEX I INOFOR! I iNO,IRT L J dump number previously assigned for this dump exists as a CMS file PRBnnnnn DUMP. Bo is produced. If no number is specified, the 194 '8/370 Operator's Guide
ERASE NOHEX NOVIRT dump is read from the spool file and assigned the next
sequential problem number (PRBnnnnn) as the dump number.
specifies that the duap being processed is to be erased. specifies that a load map is not to be printed.
specifies that the hexadecimal portion of the dump is not to
be printed.
specifies that no formatted control blccks are to be printed.
specifies that only the real machine control blocks are to be
formatted. This option is ignored if NOFORM is also
1. The CP load map (NUC MAP) is for VMFDUBP function
to execute correctly. This file must reside on the I-disk of the IPCS virtual machine used to invoke VMFDUMP. If VMFDUMP does not
find NUC or finds that it is invalid, you are asked to enter
the name of the current load map. You may add the load aap to tbe
dump by using the KAP subcommand of DUMPSCAN. ' 2. Tbe dump specified by PRBnnnnn will be bandIed according to the
options used. Wben a dump number is specified in the V!FDU!P command, no data extraction occurs. The fcllowing example is tbe
suggested command for processing a new dump: VKFDU!P NOFORM NOHEX NO FOR! NOHEX VMFDUMP will:
inhibits the printing of formatted control blocks
inhibits the printing of tbe hexadecimal portion of
tbe dump. Read the dump from the spool file. Assign the next sequential problem number as the dump number. Perform the data extraction. Create a problem report.
The filenames of dumps created by the VMFDU!P are of the form PRBnnnnn DUMP. Upon completion of the problem report generation function of the
extended VKFDUMP, a search is made of the symptom summary file for a
possible duplicate problem. Up to ten possible duplicate problems are
displayed with their associated status. Whether or not the problem was
a duplicate, an entry is made in the symptom summary file for this
Section 4. VM/370 Service Programs 195
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