1 The example below shows the control statements that might be prepared to
initialize the 2314 minidisk LIBRES for OS data set residence. Note
that the label of the real volume, CPVOL1, cannot be used as the VOLID operand.
JOB MSG DIDEF VLD VTOCD END TODEY=i403,TOADDB=OOE TODEV=2314,TOIDDR=231,VOLID=SCRITCB,CILNO=50 NEWVOLID=LIBRES,OWNERID=OPERITIONS STRT1DR=10,EXTENT=5 The desired size of the minidisk is specified through the CILlO operand. The value specified includes one cylinder reserved for
alternate track assignment; a user assigned n cylinders has n-1 of these
initialized for his use; and the nth cylinder used for any alternate
track assignment. The minimum size of a ainidisk can be coaputed froll the formula below. In it, N represents the minimum number of cylinders,
and K represents the number of recording heads of the device. The SIZE-OP-VTOC value should be in tracks, and the result of the division
should be rounded to the next highest integer.
N = 2 + (SIZE-OP-VTOC / K) Por 2305 ftodels 1 and 2, 3330, 3340, and
cylinders of a minidisk are assigned for your use.
for alternate track assignment. IIVOKING THE IBCDISDI PROGRAM 3350 devices, all n No allowance is made The IBCDISDI prograa is invoked for minidisks by specifying the operand ••• ,CYLIO=nnn on the DIDEP control statement (discussed previously). This control
statement is passed to the IBCDISDI utility for processing. This
operand ·specifies the size, in cylinders, of the minidisk to be initiated.
The IBCDISDI program, which is distributed as a CftS file with a
filename of IPL and a filetype of IBCDISDI, should be spooled to your own virtual card reader. Control statements for the program can follow
the last card or card image for the program, or can be entered via a
separate input device.
To execute the IBCDASDI program:
1. Make sure ECftODE is off for your virtual machine; use the QUERY command to determine this. Use the command to modify if
required. Spool a copy of the IBCD!SDI object .odule to your virtual card reader, or mount and attach the tape containing the object program. 3. Load the object program from the virtual reader or tape by issuing
the CP IPL command for the appropriate virtual device address. When the program is loaded, an enabled wait state is entered with
the address field of the PSi containing the hexadecimal value FFFF.
192 Vft/370 Operator's Guide
4. When the program is loaded and waiting for input, signal attention
fro. the virtual console device. The message DEFIlE INPUT DEVICE is sent to your virtual console. Enter the following response fro.
the virtual console: INPUT=type,cuu type is the device type of the device containing state.ents. Valid device types are 2400, 2540, and 3505. the control 3410, 3420, cuu is the device address of the device containing the control statements. Control statements are printed on the message output device. At the
end of job, the END OF JOB message is printed on the message output
device and the program enters the wait state.
VMFDUMP Service' Program and How To Use It CREATING DUKP FILES Conditions can occur during VK/370 processing that cause an abnormal program ending (abend). The system operator can cause this, abend
condition by pressing the SISTEK RESTART key on the system console. If VK/370's control program (CP) recognizes an error condition or program situation where program recovery is not possible or desirable, abend
occurs. The abend procedure creates a historical record of the incident
by dumping register and processor storage contents to a previously
designated device.
The extent of the dump operation as well as the device that captures
this information is specified by operands of the CP SET co •• and. The format of the CP SET DUKP command is: SET raddr r , DU8P {raddr} IQ I AUTO IALLI L .J
(real device address) designates either the syste. printer or a readied nine-track ta.pe, drive (three hexadeci.al digits).
If the printer address is specified, the data is printed
online and system operations as well as virtual machine operations are suspended until the dump operation finishes and
the subsequent system auto.atic restart operation occurs.
This dump is unformatted. The printed dump is the end result
of specifying the system printer in raddr. 10 further
processing or copying of this file is possible. If raddr
refers to a tape drive, the dump data .ust fit on one reel of
tape. Y8/370 does not support .ultiple tape volumes. The
historical data on the tape is in print line format. Iou can Section 4. V8/370 Service Progra.s 193
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