218.4 VM/310 Operator's Guide
Appendix: Summary of CP Commands
This section is provided as a quick-reference summary of the V8/370 CP commands. Additional information concerning the com.ands can be obtained fro. the CO •• gBg Be aware that all co.mands are not available to every virtual aachine
user. Rather, the commands belong to different classes that represent
different areas of computer activity_ The class of commands that a user can issue is contained with the
user's identification code in the system directory. The systea directory is controlled by the system operations personnel.
The CP commands can be arranged in five categories: Program analysis and monitor functions. Device control functions. Virtual console functions. Spooling and file control functions. Miscellaneous functions (those co •• ands that do not belong in any of
the above categories). Many co •• and names and operands can be truncated. Where truncation
is permitted, the shortest acceptable version of the com.and is
represented by uppercase letters, with the optional part represented by lowercase letters. (Remember, however, that any VM/370 co.mand can be
entered with any mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters. leNT ADSTOP DCP Display DMCP DUmp LOCate Bender accounting (Class A). inforaation for and to the virtual Specify an instruction address location where the user's
progra1l is to be halted (Class G) Display real processor storage locations (Class E) Display virtual console registers, plus the cur,rent Clll, CSW, and PSi (Class G). Dump the real storage IQcations to a user's virtual printer (Class E). Dump virtual machine registers and storage to the virtual
printer (Class G).
Provide the starting location of the CP control
associated with a user or his virtual (or real) (Class E).
Appendix: Summary of CP Commands 219
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