SiC 76
error recording 4 messages to system operator 24 SYSCOR macro instruction, AP operand 18 SYSOPR macro instruction, used to specify
virtual card reader file 36 SYSPRINT, control statement, DDR program 161 systell
abnormal terminatien, dumps 36
console 19- 20 definition 9
failure dump unit 35
initialization, iM/370 9-10 messages after iM/370 initialization 24-25 VM/370 initialization 24-25
termination 35 System operation
apprenticeship 1
installatien requireaents 1 prograll requirellents 1 system operator VM/370 system
for YM/370 control 19-20 input procedures 7-8 terminatien system 35
virtual machine 5 time slicing, supported by the interval tiller 19 time-of-day (TOD) clock
obtaining current value 11
setting 11-12 System/370 10-11 TOD clock tille-of-day (TOD) clock)
tracks, alternate, with IBCDASDI
189 ...... . TRANSFER, command (CP) 150-151 translate tables, description for 3800 printer 26
truncatien, of commands 41 TYPE U function central statement
DDR program 165-166
DDR program sample output 166-168
underscore, usage in notation 42
unit record, spool files, Y"/370 16 UNLOCK, command (CP) 152
232 YM/370 OFerator's Guide UNLOCK command, contrelling reallocation of
virtual=real storage 29 uPFercase letters and words 42
user identification (userid), spool file
attribute 213
user identification card
for spooled card input 216
format 216
user messages, virtual machine 24
userid user identification (userid» using
DDR program 158-168
Format/Allocate program 172-180 IBCDASDI program 180-193 NCPDU!F program 199-200 VMFDUMF service program 194-195
utility programs, YM/370 157-207 V VARY, command (CF) 153-154 VEBIFY, ZAP control record 204-205 virtual, console virtual console)
virtual=real, V!/370 performance option 29-30 virtual console
spooling 211-212
starting 211-212
stopping 211-212
virtual devices, defining 9
virtual feature, usage 17
virtual interval tiller assist 33
virtual machine
considerations 209 functions 210 termination 5
user messages 24
virtual machine assist 32
virtual machine console virtual
console) virtual Machine Facility/370 VM/37Q) VLD control statement, IECtASDI 187 V!FDUMP command (CMS) 36 cOllmand (IPCS) 36,194-195 sample of initiating 196
service program 193-196
usage notes 195
using 194-195 Ve/370 checkpeint (CKPT) start 14
cold start 12-13
components, brief description 1
concepts, brief description referral 1
Extended Control-prograll Support 33-34
force start 14-15
hardware assist 32
hardware assist and restrictions 34 messages initialization 24-25
status 24-25
operating procedures 8-9
performance options 27-34
recovery, features 4
recovery fro. system failures 13-.14
recovery management support 2
repair facilities 5
restart facilities 5
service programs 157-207
starting 7-36 system console 19-20 system opera tor primary system operator)
alerted to error conditions 1-2
functions performed by 1-2
unit record spool files 16 warm start 13-14
volume mount and demount, 3330V 17
of cylinder zero 172-174
of cylinders for CP use 172-174
use of Format/Allccate program 172-180
allocating 176-177
formatting 175
labeling 177-178
user and system, attaching and detaching
8 VTOCD control IBCDlSDI 187-188 W warm start, VM/370 13-14 WARNING, command (CP) 155
Z ZAP control record BASE 203-204 COM!ENT 206 DUMP 201-202 END 206 LOG 206 NA!E 203 REP 205 VERIFY 204-205 3
option output 201 service program description 200-207 special considerations for 207 3066, ClNCEL key restrictions 8
3215, CANCEL key restrictions 8 3270, CANCEL key restrictions 8 3330V automatic volume mount and demount 17
sysvirt feature 17
3330v, virtual feature 17 3330/3340/3350 IECDISDI, restrictions 181 37C4/3705 dump operations 199-200 Emulation program (EP) 23
functions, NETWORK command usage 107 loading the Communications Controller 22 Network Control Program (NCP) 21-23 Partitioned Emulation program (PEP) 22 3704/3705 Communications Controllers controlling 21-22.157 dumping operations 199-200 loading 22
processing spool dump files 199-200 3704/3705 control program dumping 199-200 Emulation Program (lP). loading
considerations 23
loadina 22.157
considerations 22 NCPDU!F program 199-200 Jetwork Control Program (NCP), 16ading considerations 22 NETWORK LOID com.and 22 Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP), loading considerations 22
processing spool dump files 199-200 3800 printing subsystem
dedicated device support 26 features 26
support as a real spooling device
translate tables 26 3850 mass storage system (eSS) error aessages 17-18
initialization 17-18
partitioning 17 SHUTDOWN process 144 Index 233
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