Page of GC20-1834-0 As Updated 1, 1979 by TNL GN25-0486
Section 3. Command, Macro Instruction, and Service Program Summary
This section presents the names of commands, macro instructions, and
service programs that have been added or changed for this release. Each
chart identifies the command, macro instruction, or service program that
has been changed or added, and the line item support causing the change
or addition. Also included in this section are changes and additions to
system ABEND codes and WAIT states.
NewCPCommands r , --,-- I Priv.1 I I Line I Classl Commandl Operand Description I Item I I I I Support l- I I I I , I i I B , MSGNOH I userid Allows a service virtual machinel MSGNOH , I I msgtxt to send unformatted messages to I I I I other users of the system I I I I I I I I I l- I I , --f , G I SMSG I useridl* Used for sending special mes- I Special I , , , msgtxt sages to a virtual machine pro- I Message , I , I grammed to accept and process , Facility I , I I special messages. The userid I I I I , of the receiving virtual , I I , I machine is specified. I I l- I I I ---f G I VMDUMP hexloc 1 Used to create a dump on a VMDUMP I hexloc2 guest virtual machine that can I bytecount be processed by VM/IPCS I END Extension program product or a
1 TO * user written routine. TO userid SYSTEM FORMAT
vmtype DSS *dumpid Section 3. Command, Macro Instruction, Service Program Summary 3-1
Aug. 1, 1979
Changes to CP Commands r------------------------------------------------------ Priv. , , Class.,Command IOperand A ATTACH volid 3330V D IBACKSPACI (file] I , (pages] I I (1] I , I , I , G,D ,CHANGE PRT , I I Description ,Line Item , Support ,rdev SYSTEM volser -If the ,rdev is a 3330V, the MSS volume
i (volser) is mounted before Irdev is attached as a system Idevice. irdev userid cuu volser 3330V IMSS volume (volser) is mounted ,at a real address (rdev) and Ithe rdev is attached to the ,userid virtual machine as a ,virtual device (cuu). If 3330V lis specified, the virtual device lis a 3330V rather then a 3330-1. IThe EOF option in new. If EOF is Ispecified, page counting is ,started from the end of the last IDASD buffer of the spool file ,instead of from the end of the ,current buffer.
The FLASH option with the name ofl the overlay is used to generate
forms flashing and the flash
count. If specified as nn, the
first nn copies are flashed and
the rest are not. MODIFY option used with copy
modification name is used to
specify the name of the module
used for printing a file. 3850 MSS 3850 MSS 3800 Printing Subsystem 3800 Printing Subsystem 3800 Printing Subsystem! CHARS option with translate 3800 ,table name is used to specify thel Printing
name of the character arrangementl Subsystem table used for printing a file. I FCB option with appropriate
FCB name is used to specify the
number of lines per inch to
print. The proper FCB to load is
calculated by VM/370. COpy option -if the number of
copies is preceded by an
asterisk, a file is transmitted
to the 3800 only once with the 3800 doing the replication
internally one page at a time.
Otherwise, the file is trans- , mitted once for each copy desired, with VM/370 indicating the copy I number to the 3800. I 3800 Printing Subsystem 3800 Printing Subsystem 3-2 IBM VM/370 Release 6 Guide
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