IPriv. I I tLine Item I support Class.ICo •• and IOperand Description
A,E I DEFINE I I I I I I I I I 1PL MONITOR A I QUERY I I I I SYSVIRT IAlters the use of the 3330v and Ireserves it for CP. It cannot tbe dedicated or attached to a Ivirtual machine. VIRTUAL IAlters the use of the 3330v Idevice so that the device can te Idedicated or attached to a Ivirtual .achine. It cannot be
lused as a system volume. 3850 MSS 3850 MSS PARM IThe AUTOCR option enables a I Autc= Icarraige return simulation after I matic I the cp: IPL command is complete. , Reinit­ I The option also causes a PROFILE ializa- IEXEC execution. , tion LIMIT n,IThe SAMPLE option enables the I VM/370 luser to specify that a spool filel Measure­ Ibe closed after n samples of datal ment lare taken. I Facility SEEKS INclude raddr ••• defines a list
of real device addresses for
which the SEEKS class of data
collection is activated. EXclude raddr ••• defines a list
of real device addresses for
which data is not collected
when the SEEKS class of data
collection is activated.
DELete option specifies that the most recent EXclude or INclude
option is deleted. This deletes
the list of real device addresses. DISplay option displays the
current device list. JOURNAL IAllows the status of the journal-I LOGON ling option to be interrogated I Ifor LINK and LOGON commands. I JOURNAL I I LINK I I V8/370 Measure­ ment
Facility VM/370 Measure­ ment
Facility VM/370 8easure­ ment
Facility ve/370 Measure­ ment
ing I -----------------------------------------------------------------------1
G,D IQUERY PRT IThe TBL option gives new informa-I 3800 I , Ition for the spool file. I printing I I , , subsystem' -----------------------------------------------------------------------1
B IQUERY I I PRT raddr IGives the forms name and image Ilibrary name. I 3800 I Printing I Subsystem' , Section 3. Command, 8acro Instruction, Service Program Summary 3-3
r Priv. I I ILine Ite. I support Class.ICommand IOperand Description
G IQUERY I I IQUERY I I I I IQUERY I I I I IQUERY I I ISET I I I ,SPOOL I I START PRT vaddr DASD IGives the tables name on a Ivirtual printing device. I IThe SYSVIRT option displays Ithe address of the system 33301 Ivolume. The VIRTUAL option , Idisplays the address of a virtual, Imachine 3330V device. , 3800 printing Subsystem 3850 ftSS TERKINALIDisplays current settings of Ifunctions controlled by the Iterminal command. A new (added) Iresponse is for the logical tat Icharacter. 4331,
4341 I Processors I I SET SftSG PRT PRT INO change in the command itself. IResponse now includes status of ISftSG (ON or OFF) Special ftessage Facility IControls whether of not a virtual, Special Imachine is to receive special I ftessage Imessages via the ON or OFF , Facility
loptions. , IThe same new options listed for ,3800 Ithe CHANGE command are applicatle, printing Ifor the SPOOL co •• and. I Subsystem IThe FLASH option gives the flash
loverlay loaded into the 3800. t 3800 printing Subsystem 1---------------------------------------------- IThe CHARS option gives the Icharacter arrangement table to
luse for the separator pages. 3800 Printing Subsystem 1-------------------------------------------- IThe FCB option generates the IFCB used for separator pages I (6, 8 , or 12). 3800 Printing Subsystem 1--------------------------------------------- IThe IMAGE· option generates the Inamed system image library used Ifor tables. 3800 Printing Subsystem 1--------------------------------------------- IThe PURGE option purges all filesl Iwith load errors. Default is Ito HOLD. 3800 printing Subsystem ITERMINALI TABCHAR tAllows the user to specify his 4331,
4341 I I lown logical tab character. I I I I Processors
3-4 IBM VM/370 Release 6 Guide
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