New and Changed VM/370 Service Programs I IService IControl IProgram IStatement Description ILine Ite. I support
, I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------1 DErICATE ccu rdev IThe real device (rdev) is 13850 D8K8SS cuu rdev 3330V cuu volser
cuu rdev volser
cuu rdev volser 3330V Idedicated to a virtual 185S Imachine as the virtual devicel 1 (cuu). CP assumes that the I Ivirtual machine is accessing I laddress cuu as a 3330-1. I IThe real device (rdev) is 13850 Idedicated to the virtual 18SS Imachine as a virtual device I , (cuu). CP assumes that the I Ivirtual machine has ess 3330VI Isupport. All cylinder faults I land associated attention I linterruptions on the real I Idevice are passed to the I Ivirtual machine. I ICP selects an availatle 3330Vl3850 Idevice and causes volume 18SS I (volser) to be mounted by I IMSS. The real device is I Idedicated to the virtual I Imachine as its virtual I 13330-1 device cuu. I ICP mounts the 8SS volume I (volser) on the real 3330V laddress (rdev). The real Idevice is dedicated to the Ivirtual machine as a 3330-1 Idevice address (cuu). IProcessed the same as cuu Irdev volser except that the Ivirtual device becomes a 13330V. 13850 IftSS I I I 1 13850 18SS I I IA new program that runs underl3850 IOS/VS1 and ftVS in a virtual 18SS Imachine. It is a communica- I Itions interface between I IVM/370 CP and mass storage I ,con trol (MSC). I GENIMAGEI[fn] [ft] [fm] IAcceFts IEBIMAGE control 13800 IPrinting I Subsystem I I ([ sfn] [sft] [sfm]) I cards and creates a load I Imodule suitable for load- I ling into a 3800. This module I lis saved as a TEXT file on I I Ithe user's disk. I 3-8 IBM VM/370 Release 6 Guide I I I I I I
I IService tContrel IProgram IStatement IMAGELIBlnamedsys
i I I I I I I Description IThis program creates or Ichanges the named system I'namedsys' which contains a Iseries of load modules Isuitable for leading into, la 3800. The list of load Imodules is contained in a Ifile called namedsys CNTRL. ,Line Item I Support 13800 IPrinting I Subsystem , , I I I Changes to System ABEND Codes and WAIT States The following new abend codes have been added to support VM/370 elimination of automatic unshare: ATS001 ATS002 ATS003 ATS004 ATS005 ATS006 ATS001 These abend codes replace V8A001 through VMI007 and For aore detailed explanation of abend codes, refer to Order No. GC20-1808. Section 3. Command, Macro Instruction, Service Progra. Summary 3-9
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