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Page of SY20-0884-3 As Updated Aug. 1, 1979 by TNL SN25-0497 ABW SECT ABWSECT describes the fields used for saving registers and other data during abend recovery. V-constants in DMSABN, DMSDBG, DMSFRE, DMSITI, DKSITP, and DMSITS point to the ABWSECT block. ABWSECT is defined in module DMSABW. o 40 48 ABNRR 4C • 90 Hexadecimal Field Displacement Name ------------ 0 ABNREGS DS 16F 40 ABNPSW DS D 48 ABNRR DS F 4C ABNPAS13 DS 18F 94 ABNCMSG DS CL96 :t:2!: DMSERR PtIST 94 ORG ABNPAS13 4C ABNERLST DS 47X ABNREGS ABNPSW ABNPAS13 r -J , ABNCMSG _____ -J Field Description, Contents, Meaning Registers at time of abend PSi at time of abend Temporary save area Area passed to nucleus routines Console message save area for IPCS extension program product Section 2. CMS Data Areas and Control Blocks 139
Aug. 1, 1979 ADTSECT ADTSECT describes the attributes of virtual disks (A-G, S, I, Z) accessed by a virtual machine via the ACCESS command. Space is allocated for the ADT when DMSNUC is assembled. In the ADT, certain fields are defined for use by both CMS and OS. For example, ADTHBcr field at displacement 1C (hexadecimal) into ADTSECT is also defined as OSADTVTA for use by OS simulation routines. ADTSECT is invoked by the ADT macro. 0 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 Hexadecimal Field Displacement Name ADTPTR ADTFDA ADTMFDA ADTFSTC ADTCFST ADTNUM ADTLEFT ADTCIL ADTMSK ADTPQM1 ADTPQM3 ADTLFST ADTXNREC ADTID A*1 A*2 ADTDTA ADTMFDN ADTHBCT ADTCHBA ADT1ST ADTUSED ADTLAST A*3 A*4 A*5 I A*6 ADTQQM ADTPQM2 ADTLHBA ADTNACW ADTRES ADTXAREC Field Description, Contents, Meaning !2£ ]eag-gnl'y Disk§. Di§.t§. o ADTID DS CL6 Disk identifier (label) 6 ADTFLG3 DS 1X A*1 Third flag byte Bit§. de!ined i!! !J21FLG,J ADTFUPD1 EQU X'80' First half of DMSAUD has been called ADTFXCHN EQU X'40' Extra chain link(s) to be returned ADTFRWOS EQU X'20' Read/write OS or DOS disk ADTFSORT EQU X' 10' All FST hyperblocks and FST entries sorted ADTFORCE EQU X'08' CMS/DOS/OS disk forced to a read-only ADTFNOAB EQU X'04' For DMSAUD routine: Do not abend if it is a disk error 7 ADTFTIP DS 1X A*2 Filetype flag byte 8 ADTPTR DS 1A Pointer to next ADT block in chain C ADTDTA DS 1A Device table address in NUCON 10 ADTFDA DS 1A File directory (PST AT) address 14 ADTN DS 1F Number of doublewords in master file directory 18 ADTMFDA DS 1A Master file directory address 1C OSADTVTA DS OF VTOC address of OS pack 1C ADTHBCT DS 1F FST hyperblock count 140 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic