326 Index PostScript 141 power tools 147 pr 175 preface xix process id 39 process substitutuion 152 programmer evolution 215 programming 173 programming by implication 177 Project Athena 288 Pros and Cons of Suns xxiv ps 8, 73 pwd 241 Q QuickMail 87 QWERTY 19 R Rainbow Without Eyes 46 ram@attcan.uucp 22 Ranum, Marcus J. 123 Raymond, Eric xxxi RCS 34, 237 rdist 236 read 189 readnews 102 real-time data acquisition 197 rec.food.recipes 100 recv 189 recvfrom 189 recvmsg 189 Reid, Brian 100 reliability 85 An Empirical Study of the Reliability of Unix Utilities 190 religious ecstasy 161 Request for Comments 77 responsibility 85 Ressler, Sandy 37 RFC822 78 RFCs 77 "Right Thing" design approach 311 RISKS 13, 258 Ritchie, Dennis xxx, xxxv, 5, 280, 307 early Unix distribution 229 rite of passage 23 rk05 229 rlogin 118 rm 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 35, 295 -i 28 rmdir 30, 295 rn 101 rna 102 Robbins, Steve 298 Rolls-Royce 221 Roman numeral system xx root, see superuser Rose, John xxiv Rose, M. Strata xxxi Rosenberg, Beth xxxi Roskind, Jim 208 round clocks 136 routed 8 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 7 Roylance, Jerry 298 RPC 292 rs@ai.mit.edu 50, 65, 226, 248 Rubin, Paul xxxi, 253 Ruby, Dan xxxi S Salz, Rich xxx saus@media-lab.mit.edu 231 Scheme 173, 315 Schilling, Pete 13 Schmucker, Kurt xxxi Schwartz, Randal L. 24 SCO 11 screens bit-mapped 111 sdm@cs.brown.edu 209 Seastrom, Robert E. 50, 65, 104, 226, 248, 261 security 243 find 166 Sekiguchi, Steve 275 send 189 sendmail 61, 62, 63, 65, 83, 239, 256, 257 From 79 configuration file 74 history 63
327 sendmail made simple 240 sendmsg 189 sendto 189 set 152 SF-LOVERS 98 SGI Indigo 46 sh 155 variables 159 Shaped Window extension (X) 136 shell programming renaming files 161 shell scripts writing xix Shivers, Olin 7, 83, 131 Shulgin, Alexander xxxi sidewalk obstruction 68 Siebert, Olin 116 Silicon Valley 86 Silver, Stephen J. 62 Silverio, C J 56 SimCity xxx Simple and Beautiful mantra 188 simplicity of design 311 simsong@nextworld.com 11 sleep 36, 271 Smalltalk 173 smL 280 SMTP 64 SOAPBOX_MODE 24 Sobalvarro, Patrick 166 soft clipping 278 Solomon 128 Space Travel 5 Spafford, Gene 106 Spencer, Henry 283 spurts, blood 128 sra@lcs.mit.edu 49 Stacy, Christopher 62 Standard I/O library 190 Stanford design style 311 Stanley’s Tool Works 159, 279 steve@wrs.com 276 Stoll, Cliff xxxi, 246 Strassmann, Steve xxix, 72, 73, 137, 275 strings 53 strip xxv stty 119 SUID 245–248 Sun Microsystems 6, 10, 14, 88, 113, 166, 241, 283, 292 superuser 244, 245 swapping 230 symbolic link 154 Symbolics (see Lisp Machine) syphilis mercury treatment xx system administration 221 System V sucks 47 Systems Anarchist 50 T Tannenbaum, Andy 230 tar 30, 33, 160 100-character limit 148, 193 tcp-ip@NIC.DDN.MIL 86 tcsh 149 teletypes 111 telnet 118, 252 Tenex 20 TERM and TERMCAP environment variable 118 Termcap 117 termcap 113 Terminal, Johnny 117 terminfo 114 Tetris 117 TeX 38 tgoto 117 Thanksgiving weekend 241 The Green Berets 180 The Unix Programming Environment 189 Thompson, Ken 5, 19, 280, 307 Unix car 17, 185 Tiemann, Michael 187, 188, 209, 272, 296 tim@hoptoad.uucp 292 timeval 193 tk@dcs.ed.ac.uk 32 tmb@ai.mit.edu 173 TNT Toolkit 129 Tokyo, Japan 86 top 10 reasons why debuggers dump core 188 TOPS, A Sun Microsystems Company 292