The Evolution of a Programmer 215 The Evolution of a Programmer [We’d love to assign credit for this, but it’s been whizzing around Cyber- space for so long that the task would probably be impossible. —Eds.] High school/Junior high 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END First year in college program Hello(input, output) begin writeln ('Hello world') end. Senior year in college (defun hello () (print (list 'HELLO 'WORLD))) New professional #include stdio.h main (argc,argv) int argc char **argv { printf ("Hello World!\n") }
216 C++ Seasoned pro #include stream.h const int MAXLEN = 80 class outstring class outstring { private: int size char str[MAXLEN] public: outstring() { size=0 } ~outstring() {size=0 } void print() void assign(char *chrs) } void outstring::print() { int i for (i=0 i size i++) cout str[i] cout "\n" } void outstring::assign(char *chrs) { int i for (i=0 chrs[i] != '\0' i++) str[i] = chrs[i] size=i } main (int argc, char **argv) { outstring string string.assign("Hello World!") string.print() } Manager “George, I need a program to output the string ‘Hello World!’”
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