Type II Commands
o <n>':' DOWN 'the display to appear to "down" "n" lines by moving the "current line" 'toward the top of the file by lin" lines. If "n" is not specified it \-vill default to one.: If specified, "n" must be'a positive decimal integer not' ' greater than the current total items in the file. Thus, "DOWN 2" causes the '
"current line" to move 2 lines toward the top of the file. DSPC The DSPC command causes a display on the command line in the form * LL
CC of the current cursor position. (LL = Line Number, Cc = ,Column Num­
ber). Having entered the DSPC command on the command line the user must
move the cursor to the position of interest before depressing the "ENTER"
key. DSPF The DSPF command causes a display of the current settings of the Program
Function Keys. To return from this display the user must depress PA2. DUP <n>
nup causes the current line to be duplicated (in-line) "n". times where "n" is
any positive, decimal integer. If "n" is not specified, it will default to one.
Note that the current line, itself, is not included in "n". Thus "DUP 3" would
cause the current line to be duplicated three times yielding a total of four
duplicate lines (including the "current line"). Following a DUP command the
cursor is positioned at the first new line.
FI string
The FIND command causes a search for the specified string starting only at
the beginning of the current zone. (See ZONE command in this section).
F <n>
To allow scrolling through the file, the FORWARD command may be used to
move the "current" line forward (toward the end of the file) "n" pages. A "page" is defined as the number of items last displayed on the I/O virtual
screen. In the example in figure 2 the depth is 22. The FORWARD command
in that case would cause the "current line" to be moved "forward" (toward
the end of the file) 22 lines.
GETFILE INPUT GET < Fn 1.* < Ft I (I < Fm I>:: < n1 < n2 I>:: <APPEND»»» . GETFILE is used to imbed one eMS file or a portion thereof within another.
The file name and type may be speCified explicitly or with an "*" indicating
that the corresponding identification in the current level fileid is to be used.
The file mode may be specified explicitly or as "*" (the default) indicating
that the standard order of disk search (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,S,Y,Z) is to be used to
locate the file. "nl" may be used to specify the starting record number at
which to begin reading. "n2" specifies the last item number to be read; if
specified as "*" reading will continue to "end-of-file". Normally, data read is
imbedded after the "current line" and the line pointer remains unchanged.
However, if the "APPEND" option is specified (this may be abbreviated to "A"), data will be "appended" at the end of the w<;>rking copy of the current
file and the line pointer will be set to the first item read.
INP <c> INPUT allows the user to input new data items after the current line. After
the INPUT command is entered, the indicated logical display is set to allow
data inputting. The current line is placed at the top of the display and the
remainder of the logical display is completed with blank unused "input" areas.
These lines differ from those created using the ADD command in that they are
not actually placed into the file until used. The Type III command area
pertaining to each "input" line contains the the designator, "*INPUT". Type
III commands may be entered on INPUT Type III command areas. Because INPUT requires the" current line" to be displayed at the top of the logical
display, at least two data-display areas must be-defined for that display prior
to issuing the INPUT command.
Optionally, a 1-8 character string may be entered as a parameter to the INPUT command. This character string will be placed at the start of each "input" area. This is especially useful if there are no Type III areas on the display to
indicate where each data-display area ends.
As previously mentioned, only those "input" data areas which have been
modified are actually added to the file. The criterion used to determine
whether a given "input" data area has been modified depends on whether
Type III areas are present. If Type III areas exist, a line is considered modified
if any change has been made to the line via cursor movement. Simply moving
the cursor over a line without changing any data therein does not constitute a
modification to the line. However, placing any character on the line
(including a blank) does constitute a modification (even if the data is subse­
quentlyerased). If a modification is inadvertently made, the Type III "D" (DELETE) command may be used to prevent the line from being entered in the
file. If Type III areas are not present on the screen, a line is considered
modified if it "appears" different than when originally written. Thus, if data
is placed on a line and subsequently erased, that line will not be considered
After new data has been "inputted", the current line will be set to the last line
entered. Therefore, if the "command-hold" feature is being used, continuous
inputting of lines can be effected.
Type II Commands 29
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