Left n
NField n
NLine n
NUlls On NUlls OFF PAl
Right n
Advanced Editing Facilities 46 -, 'Move the cursor n places to the left. The default is one
Move the cursor to the next 3270 field n times. The
default is one (1). ' Depress the "new line" key n times. The default is one
Reverse the current setting of the "nulls" option for the ·3270 fjeld in which the cursor is located.
Change the trailing blanks to "nulls" for the 3270 field in
which the cursor is located.
Change the trailing "nulls" to blanks for the 3270 field in
which the cursor is located.
Depress the PAl key. (Call Cp).
Depress the PA2 key. (Call the CMS subset).
Depress a PF key where n is the key number 1-12. The
data which had been assigned to the key is placed LIFO in
the CMS console stack.
Remove the top position from the cursor stack and place
the cursor there.
Save the current position on the I/O virtual screen of the
virtual cursor. The position is saved in a LIFO fashion in a
special internal stack of EDGAR. This stack has room for
five (5) positions before it "forgets" the oldest entry.
Move the cursor n positions to the right on the virtual
screen. The default is one (0. Move the cursor backward to the previous "tab" pos,ition as indicated by the TAB editing command. The" tab" operation may be performed n times with one (1) being
the default.
Position the cursor at the command line for the logical
screen in which it currently resides.
Move the cursor in a backward direction to the first
encountered command line.
Move the cursor in a forward direction to the first encoun­
tered command line.
Move the cursor forward to the next "tab" position as
indicated by the TAB editing command. The "tab" opera­
tion may be performed n times with one (I) being the
Move the cursor up n lines. The default value for n is one
User Written Commands
The SVC Interface,
In addition to communicating with the Display Processor (see Section III,
System Overview), the Editing Command Processor of EDGAR can communi­
cate with a user written program via an SVC. The SVC which has been chosen
for this purpose is X'ED'. A user program which desires to use this svc
should point general purpose register one (1) to a 132 byte data area and
issue the SVC. The data area will be processed by the Editing Command
Processor as a command line. Upon return from the svc, general purpose
register 15 contains a return code as follows:
o -indicating the command executed successfully
-1 -indicating the command executed successfully and producea some
informational data. The data has been placed in the data area
pointed to by general purpose register 1.
1 -indicating that the command cannot currently be accepted.
xxx -a message number corresponding to an EDGAR error message
indicating the unsucessful execution of the command. The error
message has been placed in the data area pointed to by general
purpose register 1.
NOTE: Only programs which have been inv_oked as a result of issuing a CMS command on an EDGAR command line, or programs invoked
from a "DEFAUL Til EXEC, may issue the EDGAR SVC. If the pro­
gram is not invoked in this fashion, a return code of one is re­
turned in OPR 15.
Advanced Editing Facilities 47
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