Abend Codes
Abend Recovery When the abend recovery routine is entered, it types out the followed by the line "eMS", to indicate to the user that
type in his next com.and.
abend hQ m;:av At this point, there are two options available to the user.
First, he may type the DEBUG command. In this case, nMSABN passes
control to DMSDBG, to make the facilities of DEBUG available to him. DEBUG's PSi and registers are as they were at the time that the abend
recovery routine was invoked. From DEBUG, the user may alter the PSi or
registers, as he wishes, and type GO to continue processing, or type RETURN to return to so that abend recovery can continue.
The second option available is to type in any other command. If this
is done, DMSABN performs its abend recovery function and passes control
to DMSINT to execute the command that has been typed in.
The abend recovery function consists of the following steps:
1. The SVC handler, DMSITS, is reinitialized, and all stacked save
areas are released.
2. "FINIS * * *u is invoked by means of SVC 202, to clese all files,
and to update the user file directory.
3. If the EXEC interpreter (EXECTOR module) is in
storage, it is
4. All link blocks allocated by the as macros simulation routine DMSSLN are freed.
5. If VSAM or Access Method Services are still active, call DMSVSR for
6. All FCB and DOSCB pointers are zeroed out.
7. All user storage is released.
8. The amount of system free storage
computed. This figure is co.pared
storage that is actually allocated.
storage recovery can be considered
unequal, then a aessage is sent to the
that should be allocated is
against the amount of free
If the two are equal, then
successful. If they are
user. CMS Diagnostic Aids 2-241
UNRECOVERABLE TERMINATION -- THE HALT OPTION OF DMSERR There are certain times, such as when the SVC handler's pointers are
.odified, that the systea can neither continue processin1 nor try to
recover. In these cases, DMSERR with the option HALT=YES is specified
to cause a message to be typed out, after which a disabled wait state PSi is loaded unless the NUCON field has been loaded.
The valid address contained in AUSERRST is assumed to be the address
of an error recovery routin9 ana will be directly branched to. The
initialization routines of an application running under CMS must set
this address to point to a module that might, for example, request a
du.p and then issue an IPL coamand. If the IPL command is
IPL CMS PARM AUTOCR and the PROFILE EXEC on virtual disk 191 invokes reinitialization, the
application has the capability of automatic recovery. This capability
is valuable for CMS service virtual machines that run permanently
disconnected and are required to stay operational.
In CP mode, the programmer can examine the PSi, whose address field
contains the address of the instruction following the call to the DMSEBR .acro. He can also examine all the registers, which are as they were
when the DMSERR macro was invoked. Figure 24 lists the CMS ABEND codes and describes the cause of the
Abend and the action required. 2-242 VM/370 System Logic and program Determination--Volume 2
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