Input Processing Output command line 1 Verify existence of control file. "- v
2 Load all TEXT files requested
in control file into virtual storage and construct directory
DMKNMT256E Control file Named System 3 Cause loaded file to be stored (updated or
as the named system.
changed) DMKNMT2471 DMKNMT254E
Notes Module Label Ref Notes Module Label Ref
1 Verify the existence of the control DMKNMT IMAGELIB 3 Issue DIAGNOSE X'74' to cause file. If it doesn't exist, give a return ERROO4 the named system to be saved. If code of 4. successful, issue message DMKNMT2471; if not successful, 2 Create a DUMMY directory that issue message DMKNMT254E. DIAGERR will be used to hold the number of
entries in the named system.
Read a record from the control RDLOOP file and verify the existence of the
indicated TEXT file. If it doesn't AFTERRD exist, issue message NOTEXT DMKNMT248E.
Load the TEXT file into the CMS transient area. If a LOAD error LDERR
occurs, issue message
Move the file from the transient
area to the core image area if
sufficient storage exists. If not.
issue message DMKNMT256E.
Create a new directory entry for RANOUT this TEXT file and return to RDLOOP. If no more entries, close the control file, compress the core RDEO:= image, and adjust the displacements DSPLOOP in the directory.
Diagraa 13-2. DMKNMT 234 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
Program Organization
This sect10n includes program descriptions of modules DMKIMG and DMKMNT. DMKIftG Provides a CMS interface for the VS-based IEBIMAGE program by handling certain SVCs
issued by IEBIMAGE and translating them
into CMS terms. g2int DMKIMGBG Routines Called --FSSTATE-----Determines if control file exists. BNDSVC - Traps certain SVCs issued by IEBIMAGE. GETMAIN - Gets area for simulating OS LOAD SVC .. FREEMAIN -Releases OS LOAD area.
FILEDEF Issues FILEDEFs needed by IEBIMAGE. LOAD - Simulates OS LOAD and QSAM READ. FSWRITE - Creates a new TEXT file (STPW simulation) Attributes --Disk-resident, loaded into CMS user area. called via SVC 202, serially reusuable. R1: Standard CMS PLIST R14:
Return address R15: Address of GENIMAGE R15: Return code < 100 for normal
IEBIMAGE execution
R15: Return code 100 if error in
input parameters
R15: Return code 104 if error
during FILEDEF MAINBIGH - Saves and restores its value
between DMKNMT constructs an image library from TEXT files on user disks and creates or
replaces that image library via DIAGNOSE code X' 74' Point tMKNMTBL Routines Called --FSSTATE-- Determines if CNTRL and TEXT files. exist. ISREAD - Reads in the contrel file. CMS LOAI - Loads the TEXT file into the
transient area.
Attributes --rIsk-resident as "IMAGELIB". loaded into eMS user area, via SiC 202, serially reusuable. !nt!I R1: Standard CMS PLIST Register 15 contains a return code:
Return o Image library updated
4 Control file· not found or in
8 Specified image nen-existent
12 Specified image caused LOAD errer
16 Insufficient virtual storage
20 I.age litrary is currently active 100. Error in FSREAD return
code ].§age HO: work register R1:
R 14: R 15: PLIST register and temporary werk
register Source address for MveL Source length fer MVCL Target address for MVCL Target length fer MVCL current end of image library in
Pointer to next
directory entry
Running counter for
directory entries
starting address of
library in storage IMKNMT module base
number of
the image BAtR return address and scratch
BALR branch address and scratch
register None
Chapter 13. DMKIMG and DMKNMT -- IEEIMAGE Interface 235
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