tMftDIR, progra. organization of tMMtSC, progra. organization of DMMEDM, progra. organization of DMMFED, progra. organization of DMMFEX, progra. organization of DMMGET, progra. organization of DMMGRC, progra. organization of DMMBEX, progra. organization of DMMIDM, progra. organization of DM!IHI, program organization of DMMIHT, progra. organization of DMMIOB, progra. organization of DMftLOC, progra. organization of DMMMAP, progra. organization of DftftftOD, progra. organization of DMftPRG, progra. organization of tftftPRM, progra. organization of DftftPRO, program organization of DftftREG, progra. organization of DftftRft', progra. organization of DftftSCR, program organization of D!ftSEA, progra. organization of DMftSTA, program organization of DftftSUft, progra. organization of D!ftTRC, program organization of DftftTRH, progra. organization of D!M'ftB, progra. organization of DftftWRT, progra. organization of DMSFREE macro 211
39 40 40 40 41
43 43-44 44 44 44-45 45
47 DftSIFC EREP/Error Recording Interface) DftSREA EREP/Error Recording Interface) DftSUPD (update progra.) 126
control record processing
exit processing 141
inserting updates 140 label directory 151-152
.essages 156 multiple update 137
operand and option checking
overview 135
single update 139 dump 'ftFDUftP program) 138
du.p file, how printed by Interactive Problem Control System 37
du.p function 97 DUftP control statement 96
writing DASD records on tape 97
writing volume header record 97 dumping a DASD 93 DUftPSCAH, Interactive Proble. Control System command 17,21-23
Editor test 118
entry,point, EREP/Error Recording Interface
242 lEft V"/370 Service Routines Program Logic entry point DISD du.p/restore progra. 102 directory progra. 88 DBKIMG 235 DBKH!T 235
EREP/Error Recording Interface 215-217 progra. 69 IEBIMIGE Interface 235 !SS Co •• unicator 221
starter system progra. 166
virtual disk initialization 10 ZIP service prograa 206 3704/3105 service prograas D!KRRD 181 DftSIRN 181-182 DMSIRX 182-183 DftSGRR 183 D!SLKD 183 D!SHCP 184 EREP/Error Recording Interface 211-221
data areas 220 diagnostic aids 221 D!SIFC 213 D!SREA 214
entry points 215-211 exit 215-217
external references 215-211
introduction 211
key to .ethod of operation diagrams 212 label directory 218-219
.essages 221 aethod of operation 212-214
overview 212 parameter list 214
progra. description 211
progra. organization 215-211
register usage 215-217
return codes 215-211
error processing, installation,
verification procedure 119 EXEC procedure, installation verification
procedure 113
exit, virtual disk initialization 10 extended description 1-2
external references DASD dump/restore program 102 directoiy program 88 DMKIftG 235 DMKBftT 235
EREP/Error Recording Interface 215-217 IEElftAGE Interface 235
starter system program 166
virtual disk initialization 10
F file status table entry, ZAP service program 209 format prograa prograll)
format/allocate allocate function 63,68
data areas
record F3 14
record F4 14
record 0 11
record 1
record 2 record 3
record 4 format foraat
72 record 4 13
record 5 format 73
record 6 forllat 74 2305 models 1 and 2 record layout 77
2314/2319 record layout 75 3330 series record layout 75 3340 series record layout 78 3350 series record layout 79
diagnostic aids 80 directory 10 entry point 69
execution 63-64 format function 63,67
introduction 63
key to method of operation diagrams 65
label only function 63
aessages 80 aethod of operation 65
overview 66
prograll organiZation 69
prompter messages 66
register 69 FSTE macro 220 G
GENERATE procedure 127 build a new C!S nucleus 144-146 tuild a new CP nucleus 144-146
build a new V!/370 directory 144-146
build the RSCS nucleus 144-146
create a new buffer load (D!KFCB) 144-146
create a new real I/O deck (D!KRIO) 144-146
create a new systell deck (DftKSYS) 147-148
create a new systea naae table (DftKSNT) 144-146
create a standalone copy of service
prograas generating a CP systea 147-148
introductory message 144-146 latel directory 154
lead the Interactive Problem Control System modules 144-146 messages 158-160
punch standalone service programs
generating a CP system 141-148
generating and updating procedures creating and updating procedures) GENlftAGE, program description 231
H HNDSVC macro 211
I IBCDASDI virtual disk initialization) IEBlftAGE Interface
data areas 237
diagnostic aids 238
entry points 235
exit 235
external references
introduction 231
235 key to method of operation diagrams
236 label directory
.essages 238
.ethod of operation
overview 232
program description
progra. organization
register usage 235
return codes 235
routines called 235
classification 1 Ilumbering 2 IftlGELIB command IftAGELIB program initialization
235 D1SD du.p/restore progra. 95
track 9
virtual disk virtual disk
input block 1-2 INPUT control state.ent 96
input/output block inserting program statements 139
installation verification procedure assemble lSSEftBLE file 117 CftS test sections 121 CftS tests 113
Cp test sections 121 Index 243
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