text decks 125 TXT files 125 UPDATE command 126-127
update files 125 VMCNTRL file 147-148 VMFASM EXEC procedure 126-127
assembling 133
initialization 132 VMFDATE program 126-127 VMFLOAD program 126-127
control file 127
nucleus load 142 VMFMAC EXEC procedure 147-148 VMFMAC macro library
creation procedure 143
update procedure 128
CTRL file 142
cylinder bit map 67
cylinder byte map 68
cylinder header record, format 106 D
copy function 93
dumping 93
print function 93
restoring 93
track header record 93
type function 93
virtual disk initialization via IBCDASDI 3-15 volume header record 93 CASD dump/restore program' 93-111
control statement processing 96
copy function 99
data areas
cylinder header record 106 lOB 108-109 track header record 107 diagnostic aids 110-111 dump function 97
entry point 102 exit 95
external references 102 initialization 95
introduction 93
key to method of operation diagrams 94
label directory 103-105 messages 110-111 method of operation 94
overview 95
parameter list 95
print function 100 240 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic Frogram description 102 Frogram organization 102
register usage 102
restore function 98
return cedes 102 tYFe function 101 data areas
DASD dumF/restore program 106-109 directory program 91 DMKIMG 237 DMKNMT 237
EREP/Errer Recording Interface 220 fermat/allocate program 71 IEBIMAGE Interface 237
Interactive Problem Control System
53-59 MSS Communicator 229
use 1
virtual disk initialization 12 ZAP service program 209 3704/3705 service programs 190 DDR DASD dump/restore program) DEDICATE control statement 85
default addresses, DMKLDOOE service program
(loader) 128
defective track 9
deleting pregram statements 139 DIAGNOSE '30' 215-217 DIAGNOSE code X'78' 223 DIAGNOSE X'2C' 214 DIAGNOSE X'30' 214
diagnostic aids
creating and updating procedures
155-161 DMSUPD (update program) 156
GENERATE procedure 158-160 VMFAS! EXEC procedure 155 VMFLOAD program 157 VMFMAC procedure 157
DASD dumF/restore program 110-111 directory program 92 D!KIMG 238 D!KNMT 238
EREP/Errer Recording Interface 221
fermat/allocate program 80 IEEIMAGE Interface 238
installation verification procedure
Interactive Problem Control System 60-62 MSS Communicator 230 starter system program 168
use 1
virtual disk initialization 14-15 ZAP service program 210 3704/3705 service programs 191-194
diagnostic labels latel, corresponding program functions)
diagrams extended description 1-2
how to use 1-2
input block 1-2
interpretation 1-2
keys 2
output block 1-2
process block 1-2
direct access storage device DASD) DIRECT command 81
directory DASD dump/restore program 103-105 directory program 89-90 DI!KII!G 236 DI!KNI!T 236
EREP/Error Recording Interface 218-219 format/allocate program 10 IEBII!AGE Interface 236
installation verification procedure
122 MSS Communicator 228
starter system program 167
use 1
virtual disk initialization 11 VI!/370 creating and updating procedures 150 Assembler update procedure 151-152
GENERATE procedure 154 VI!FLOAD program 153 V!FMAC procedure 153
ZAP service program 207-208 3704/3705 service programs 185-189 ASI!3705 processor 186 GEN3705 processor 187-188
LKED processor 188 modules 185-189 NCPDUI!P processor 185 SAVENCP processor 188 DIRECTORY control directory
program 86
directory program building a new directory 81
building allocation record 86
control statement processing 85
control statements ACCOUNT 84 CONSOLE 86
IPL 86
diaqnostic aids 92 directory exit 87
entry point 88
external references 88
introduction 81 key to method of operation diagrams 82 latel directory 89-90 messages 92 method of operation 82
overview 83
prerequisites for running 81 program description 88 prograa organization 88 register usage 88
return codes 88
swapping directories 81
disk DASD) dumping 93 DI!FREE macro 215-217 DMKDDR DASD dump/restore program) DI!KDIR directory program) DI!KII!G data areas 237
diagnostic aids 238
entry points 235 exit 235
external references 235
label directory 236
logic diagram 233
messages 238 program organization 235
register usage 235
return codes 235
routines called 235 DMKLDOOE service program (loader) 128 DMKI!SS initialization 225 DMKI!SS processing 226 DI!KI!SS program 223 DMKNMT data areas 237
diagnostic aids 238
entry points 235
exit 235
external references 235
label directory 236
lcgic diagram 234 messages 238 program crganization 235
register usage 235
return codes 235
routines called 235 DMKSSP (2§§ starter system program) DMMCPA, program organization of 38
Index 241
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