MSS COMMUNICATOR Program and Documentation
A new chapter "DMK5SS--The Communicator" has been added l!SS that describes the program that operates in a
virtual machine and interfaces between VM/370 and the MSS Mass Storage Control. 3800 TABLE CONSTRUCTION Ne!: Program and Documentation
A new chapter "DMKIMG and DMKNMT--IEBIMAGE Interface" has been
added that describes the utility
prcgra.s that can be used to change the
character arrangement tables, graphic
modifications, copy modifications and
FCBs available on the 3800 Printing Subsystem, construct a directory and
load it into a named system. IU SCELLA NEOUS The Chapter
from their
beginning of
as a single
beginning of Summary of Amendments
for SY20-0882-4 Release 6 PLC 1
contents have been deleted
original Fosition at the each Chapter and now appear
Table of Contents at the
the publication. Su •• ary of A.endments xiii
Summary of Amendments
for SY20-0882-3 as updated by SN25-0440 VM/370 Release 5 PLe 6
3340/3344 ALTERNATE TRACK SUPPORT Error Recovery Support
Software error recovery procedures in CP
now provide for switching to an
alternate track when an attempt to do I/O on a defective 3340 or 3344 track
results in a track condition Similar recovery procedures have also
been added to three stand-alone
utilities: the DASD Dump Restore (DDR)
Service Program; Directory Service
Program (DMKDIR); and the
Format/Allocate Service Program
(DMKFMT). This will enable these
programs to deal with 3340/3344 disks
having flagged tracks. The changes to
this publication reflect the changes
made to the three utility programs. xiv IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
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