Chapter 7. Procedures for Generating and
Updating VM/370
The V!/370 update facility provides for the
updating of files with several levels of
updates and any number of program temporary
fixes (PTFs). For Assembler language source
statement files, procedures are supplied for assembling the updated source code to produce a uniquely defined text deck. The
deck has a unique name and some control
cards to identify the origin of the
updates, macro libraries, and source
statements. For macro library files, a
copy file is to identify the
origin of the input and any updates
Procedures are provided for generating
load files from various object modules, and
for generating MICLIB files from various COpy and 8ACRO files.
The procedure for updating V8/370 has a
file naming convention for update and text
files, a set of programs to support the
processing, and a set of EXEC procedures
and modules to process the files. The VMFASM procedure incorporates PTFs or updates. The GENERATE procedure generates a new
standalone card deck on disk. The VMFLOAD module generates a new CP, CMS, or RSCS nucleus. The VMFMAC procedure generates a new
macro library. UPDATE FILES Files used to update another file are a filetype of UPDTxxxx, where XXXX 1S a
unique for programmer and system use. The filename of the update
file must be the salle name as the file to
te updated. For instance, the file PROGRAM ASSEMBLE could be updated by the file PROGRAM UPDTGN30 or the file PROGRA! UPDTGC61. The creation and use of update files are
described in the UPDATE command discussion
in the V!!Ll1Q: £ommand TXT FILES Text files are produced by the assembler as
a part of the V!FASe procedure. The
filename of the text file is the same as
the filename of the ISSE!ELE file. The
filetype of the completed text deck is TXTnamex, where 'namex' represents a unique YEgate level identifer. The value of
'namex' is taken from a control file, and
corresponds to the highest level of update
applied. In addition, the text deck is
produced from a combination of the
assembler text deck and an auxiliary
control file containing data describing the
origin of the files used. The auxiliary
file is called 'filename UPDATES' and is
produced ty a program called VMFDATE. The
filename is the same as the filename of the UPITxxxx file. CONTROL FILES Each user may have several control files to
specify various combinations of updates and
macro libraries to be used. A control file
must have a filetype of CNTRL. These
control files contain records in the
following format: namOO !!ACS maclib1 aaclib2 ••• iiall01 UPDTup1 na.02 UPDTup2 iiai03 UPDTup3 na.04 lUXxxxxx The suffixes up1, up2, up3, and xxxxx
are identifier fields, and the
fields namOO, nam01, nam02, na1l03, and nam04 are update level The first record is the !AeS record that
defines the macro libraries (maclib1
maclib2 ••• ) to te used in the assembly in
the order of search required. up tc five
libraries may be specified.
Records 2, 3, and 4 are update
identification records. They define the UPITxxxx files that were created (via
update control cards and source statements)
to update some particular file. Record 2
defines a UPDTup1 file, and records 3 and 4
define UPDTup2 and UPDTup3 updates,
Chapter 7. Procedures for Generating and Updating 125
respectively. None, some, or all of the
updates may exist to be applied.
Record 5 defines an auxiliary file that
specifies an auxiliary list of PTFs or
updates that are to be applied. Record 5
defines an auxiliary file identified as
'filename AUXxxxxx', where 'filename' is
the same as the filename of the input file
and xxxxx is an update identifier (the
update identifier for an auxiliary control
file cannot be "aux"). Records in the
auxiliary file have the following format
for PTFs to be applied: PTF A30246CA A21726CA PTF 107426Cl * Any comment The PTF field is an optional identifier,
and the second field (for example, A30246CA) defines a specific PTF to be
applied. The PTF has a 'filename A30246Cl' identification, where 'filename' is the same as the filename of the file to be
updated. The filetype of a format Axxxx6Cl is used to indicate an APAR answer or PTF for APAR number xxxx. The comment field is
used to describe the function of the
particular PTF. The * record is ignored
and is used to provide additional comments on any updates or PTFs. The updates (PTFs included) are applied
in the reverse order in which they appear.
In the previous example, the updates would
be applied in the following order: A07426CA A21116CI A30246CI UPDTup3 UPDTup2 UPDTup1 The PTF records can be directly included
in the CNTRL file if desired, but it is
usually more convenient to place them in a
separate auxiliary (AUXXXxxx) file.
There can be any number of UPDTxxxx definition and auxiliary control file
definition records, but only one BACS record. The complete CNTRL file can have any filename, but typically has the same name as the first specified UPDTxxxx control record. In the example. the file
could be named UP1 CNTRL. The underlined fields in each record mark the level identification fields. The
highest level (last) update to be applied
selects the name that can be used to
identify updated files. In the example, if UPDTup3 was the last update applied, then
the name selected would be naa03e The
value for the identification usually
consists of a combination of the update
identifier uP'. up2, (uP to four
characters) and additional characters up to
a maximum of 5 for the combined update
identifier and additional characters. If no
updates are applied, then the namOO field
is selected to identify the TXTnamOO produced. This name can be used to
uniquely identify updated files. The text
files described above, for instance, can
have a filetype of TXTup3. It is
desirable, on occasion, to have entries in
the user CNTRL file that specify a level
identification but no update. A record of
the following format. for example. is
This is because the control file serves a
double purpose and is used for loading text
decks as well as updating input files. An
identifier of TEXT as a name causes special
handling in the VBFASe EXEC procedure.
whether or not an update is used with it.
A name of iEXT is used without level
identification catenation. Thus, TEXT becomes the filetype. SYSTEM EXEC PROCEDURES Several system control files provide for system update and creaticn. Some EXEC procedures invoke others cr make use of
user-supplied control files to accomplish
various functions such as multilevel
updating, text generation, and macro library generation.
The VMFASft procedure performs the
multilevel update function by invoking the DftSUPD module (via the CBS UFDITE command) before assembling the desired files. To update and assemble a source file. the VMFASft procedure is invoked in the
following way: VBFASft filename control [options]
where 'filename' is the name of the ASS'lftBLE file to be processed and 'control'
is the naae of the user CNTRL file that
contains the BICS (macro library), update,
and any lUXxxxx control records. The VMFASM procedure invokes the DftSUPD module via the CMS UPDATE co.mand, passing the
values 'filename', 'ASSEMBLE', and
126 IBM V"/370 Service Routines program Logic
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