Input \-::\ Notes
5 Pass control to the print routine
(DMMEDM) to print the dump: Read record1 (symbol table) and
record2 (dump information) from
the dump file and print the preliminary information_ See
Diagram 2-10_ If the NOFORM option was omitted,
format and print the control blocks_ See Diagram 2-11_ If the NOHEX option was omitted,
print storage_ See Diagram 2-12_ 6 If the ERASE option was omitted,
keep the dump file_ If specified, erase
the dump file_ In either case, return control to CMS_ From
Diagram 2-10,2-11, or 2-12 Module DMMPRM
Processing !; Call print routine (DMMEDM)
to: Print preliminary information
(Diagram 2-10). Format and print control blocks if requested.
(Diagram 2-11). Print storage if requested.
(Diagram 2-12).
6 If specified, erase the dump file_ Label Ref Notes EXIT EDITDUMP RCHFORM HEX DUMP
Diagram 2-5. V!FDU!P IPCS Command (Part 3 of 3) 30 IBM VM/310 Service Routines Program Logic Output ToCMS
Dump Module Label Ref
Input I r:::l Notes
1 Attempt a read to NUC MAP A 1.
Note: The nucleus load map is assumed
to reside on the IPCS user's A-disk. If NUC MAP A 1 cannot be found, issue
UNABLE TO LOCATE NUCMAPA1 Follow this message with message:
ENTER fn ft fn OF THE
NUCLEUS LOAD MAP If the load map is successfully located, compare the address of the
constant DMKCPEND in the symbol table (dump record 1) to the address
of DMKCPEND in the load map. If the addresses do not compare, issue
NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'file id' If the map is valid, read each line of
the map into a buffer. If it contains
a module or entry point name, move
this name and associated address (12 bytesl to 3:l output buffer
2 When end-of-file is reached sort
the output buffer by ascending
entry point address, write the
output buffer and append it to
the dump file. I From
Diagram 2-5
(Step 2)
Extract the module name
entry points and initially loaded address for each CP nucleus module. 2 Append the compressed map
to the dump file. Label Ref Notes
Diagram 2-5
(Step 3) Output I o DMMMAP8071 DMMMAP806R
DMMMAP808L Output Buffer r-::\ Module Label I Ref I I Diagram 2-6. Compress the Nucleus Load Map Chapter 2. IPCS--The Interactive preble. Centrel system 31
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