Type II Commands ';specified explicitly or as "*" ,(the default) indicating t·hat the corresponding
identifier of the file at the current edit level is to be used. Writing begins at
the current line and continues: for "n" lines where "n" is any positive integeOr not greater than the number of records in the current file; or through ".xxxo" J ' where" .XXx" is a previously defined "named" line; or through "END-OF-FILE" if "*" has been ·specified. If no limit is specified, only the
current line will be placed in the specified file. If the requested file already
exists, an error message will be displayed and the PUTFILE will not be per­
formed, unless the REPLACE option (this may be abbreviated to "R") has
been specified If the keyword "APPEND" (this may be abbreviated to "A") is
supplied, the specified data will be "appended" to the requested file.
The RECFM command is used to set the current record format characteristic
for the file at the current edit level. "F" indicates that the file is to contain
fixed-length records and "V" indicates variable-length records. The record
format is significant only when the file is written to disk (on a SAVE, FILE, or PUTFILE request or during an "AUTOSAVE"). At that time, if the record
format is "V", trailing blanks are removed from all records written to disk. If
the RECFM command is issued without any arguments, the current setting is
displayed on the command line.
REPEAT < n I .XXX I * < c > > o. The REPEAT command is used to "repeat" any changes m"ade to the current
line on succeeding lines. If no operand is specified, the change is repeated
only once. Using the operand, the change may be repeated: "n" times where "n" is any positive decimal integer not greater than the total number of items
in the file; or through ".xxx" where ".xxx" is a previously defined "named" line located between the current line and "END-OF-FILEII; or through "END-OF-FILE" (indicated by "*"). Frequently, it is necessary to cause a
character position in the current line to be repeated without being changed.
This is considered a "logical overlay". If a "logical overlay" is desired, a logical overlay character ("c") may be provided with the REPEAT command.
The original contents of all positions in the current line in which this character
has been inserted, will be "overlayed" on the requested succeeding lines.
Therefore, the character selected must be unique to all changed data in the
current line. Note that the specification of the logical overlay character
pertains only to this issuance of the REPEAT command. If the command is
invalid or the overlay character is inadvertently not specified, the overlay
character is considered a modification to the data, and will remain in the
working copy of the file.
REP < n I .XXX I * >
The REPLACE command is used to "replace" lines in the current file. It is
functionally equivalent to performing a DELETE, followed by a "DOWN 1" followed by an INSERT. Thus, REPLACE causes the lines specified (as in the
DELETE command) to be deleted (starting with the current line), after which
the current line is backed-up to the line immediately preceding the first
deleted line, and INSERT is automatically entered at this point. The argu-
RIGHT SEARCH SERIAL SET , L ,L , ments for t,he REPLACE command are equivalent to those used for the
DELETE command (see Type II command: DELETE).
The RIGHT command is functionally similar to LEFf. Its purpose is to cause a
display shift to the right (the actual data is not shifted). For details on use of
the RIGHT and LEFT commands see the Type II command, LEFT, in this
section. . S /string1/ <zl I ::: <z2 I :::» < /string2/ > ...
The SEARCH command is functionally similar to LOCATE. However, if­ LOCATE does not find the requested line by "EOF", it will terminate and an
error message ("EOF REACHED") will be displayed; whereas, if the requested
item is not found by SEARCH when "EOF" is encountered, a wrap-around to
the top of the file will occur. Thus, using SEARCH, the error message will not
be produced. At the conclusion of the SEARCH command, if the requested
item has not been found, the line pointer will remain at the current line and
the message ("DATA NOT FOUND") will be displayed. The SEARCH com­
mand may be issued without the verb (ie: "/stringl/" alone). SER <ON I OFF I ALL I XXX < 10> >
The SERIAL command may be used to specify automatic sequencing of
records within a file. Sequencing is significant only when the file at the
current edit level is written to disk and then only if the file contains fixed­
length, 80-character records.
With "SERIAL ON" the first three characters of the file name are placed in
columns 73-75 of all records and columns 76-80 are sequenced according to
the increment value. With SERIAL OFF, no sequencing is performed. Option­ ally, SERIAL XXX may be specified where "XXX" is any three characters to be
placed in columns 73-75 of each record before being written to disk. Col­
umns 76-80 are again sequenced according to the increment value. When
SERIAL ALL is specified, all eight columns (73-80) are sequenced (no prefix
characters are used). If the SERIAL command is issued without any argu­
ments, the current setting is displayed on the command line. SET < Dblank ON I OFF> < Nulls ON I OFF> < Autosave n I OFF> < NUMbers ON I OFF >
< NOread ON IOFF> < Convert ON I OFF >
The SET command is used to vary settings of certain optional functions of
EDGAR while editing is in progress. The SET command is followed by a
keyword indicating which option is to be set. The keyword must be followed
by the new setting. If the SET command is issued with no arguments the valid
keywords and their current settings will be displayed. As many options as
Type II Commands 33
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