Type II Commands
.desired may be set in one command. However, if any errors are encountered . while processing any o'f the 'options, no setting changes are performed. The
keywords and valid for each are below:
NUMBers -This option causes display of the "line numbers" within Type III
Command Areas. Normally, this area will contain a symbol
('*===*' or '1===1') over which the user enters the desired
Type III command. With the setting, NUMBERS ON, the Type III
command areas will, instead, contain an "*" or 'I' (if the
"current line") followed by the item number of the correspond­
ing data item in the working copy of the file. Since these num­
bers are continually re-calculated, substantial overhead can be
created by requesting display of numbers. The amount of over­ head will depend on the size of the file and the position of the
"current line" within the file. Therefore, 'SET NUMBERS ON' should be issued only when necessary and when system over­
head is non-critical.
DBLAnk -This option causes EDGAR to eliminate any blank records
before writing a file to disk. DBLANK may be SET ON or OFF. With DBLANK ON, totally blank records contained within the
working copy of the file (in storage) are not written to disk.
These records, therefore, will not be serialized (if serialization is
in effect) but will remain as blank records in the working copy
of the file. The DBLANK option is especially useful, for exam­
ple, in ASSEMBLE files where lines have been "ADDED" (using
the ADD command). Since such records (if they remain in the file.) will cause compiler errors, the DBLANK option makes
manual deletion of excess "ADDED" records unnecessary.
NULLs -This option causes the I/o Processor to replace any trailing
blanks within each 3270 field of the edit level virtual screen
with "null" characters before transmitting the data to the physi­
cal display. Null characters are useful when adding characters
to a data record using the "insert mode" feature of the 3270 system. Since only null characters may be shifted out of a'line
(using "insert mode"), setting "NULLS ON" allows the user to
insert characters until the first non-blank reaches the end of the
data-display area. ***NOTE: Users should refrain from setting NULLS ON when Type III com­
mand areas are not present in the logical display. In this case, nulls are added
only at the end of the last data-display area reSUlting in a shift of all data­
display lines when "insert mode" is used. This will lead to unpredictable
editing results. NOREad - This option determines the effect of the SOS ATTN command.
With NOREAD OFF, the ATTN command is functionally equiva­
lent to a "null line" in the stack. With NOREAD ON, the ATTN
command is functionally equivalent to SOS ENTER. For a full
discussion of this subject, refer to Section V (Advanced Editing
Facilities, Screen Operation Simulation). CONVert - This option permits data description within commands (such as
CHANGE, LOCATE, etc) to use hex or binary conversion nota-
tion. With CONVert set ON:for example, the command L/X'FOFOFO'/ would have the same meaning as L/OOO/. Similarly, the command L/B'11110000' / would have the same meaning as L/O/. AUTOsave -This option invokes the "Autosave" facility. It may be set "OFF" or an alteration threshold value may be supplied. The
threshold value must be a positive decimal integer not greater
than 32767 and indicates the alteration threshold at which "AUTOSAVE" will take place. Thus, "SET AUTOSAVE 1" will
cause the file to be checkpointed every time at least one altera­
tion is made to the working copy. For details on the "Autosave" facility see Section IV, AUTOSAVE FACILITY. SH < Left I Right < n < m I * I .XXX < c > > > >
The SHIFT command causes data within the currently defined ZONE (See ZONE command in this section) to be shifted left or right a distance of (n)
columns. The third operand dictates the number of lines effected starting
with the current line. The user may specify a number of lines (m), to End of
File (*), or to a named line (.xXX). Optionally, a "fill" character (c) may be
specified. In this case, the specified character will be inserted in all columns "from" which data has been shifted. Note that SHIFT operates only on data
within the currently defined ZONE (see ZONE command in this section). STACK <LIFO I FIFO> <n I .XXX I * <string-l> >
The STACK command causes data from file items to be placed in the CMS
console stack. Stacking will be FIFO unless LIFO is specified. The number of
lines to be treated is specified by "n", ".xxx", or "*" (thru EOF). An
additional character string, "string 1 ", will be stacked after each item in the
file, if specified. STACK operates only on the currently ZONEd columns.
T < n 1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 ...... >
The TABS command is used to establish tabbing columns for all data-display
areas in the corresponding logical display. The arguments to the TABS com­
mand are the desired tab columns. Each tab position represents one column.
The list must be in ascending order and each number must be a positive
decimal integer not greater than the maximum record length of the file at the
current edit level. A maximum of 25 tab positions may be set. If specified
with no arguments the TABS command will display the current tab settings on
the command line. Once tab settings have been established the user may use
the tabbing feature to achieve cursor movement. With the standard options "PFl" requests a backward tab and "PF2" a forward tab (the display station
must be equipped with these keys to utilize the tabbing facility). Effective
tabbing with this facility is dependent on system response time since the
tabbing mechanism is under software control. Under average to good re­
sponse conditions, this tabbing feature will be faster than the cursor move­
ment cluster keys on the 3277. However, depression of the "PF" keys for this
purpose causes transmission of all "modified" data on the 3277 screen to the CPU. This may be an unacceptable condition on a remotely attached device if
Type II Commands 35
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