: several (or lines)have been altered prior to
'depressing the tab keys, unless high-speed line transmission is utilized. TOP "TOP" positions the current line to the first item in the file. There are no
arguments to the TOP command. If no items exist in the file, the current line
is set to "TOF". UF stringl
The UFIND command is functionally identical to FIND -except that the file
scan is in an upward direction. UL /stringl/ <zl I * <z2 I < /string2/ > ...
The ULOCATE command is functionally equivalent to LOCATE except that the
file scan is in an upward direction. U <n> UP causes the screen to appear to move "up" "n" lines. When UP is issued
and the current line is "EOF", no movement takes place. UP allows the user
to view lines further toward "EOF" in the file. If no parameters are supplied
with the UP command "UP 1" is assumed. The argument specifies the number
of lines (items) by which the current line is to be moved (forward in the file).
This number must be a positive decimal integer not greater than the total
items currently in the file. US /stringl/ <zl I * <z2 I < /string2/ > ...
The USEARCH command is functionally equivalent to SEARCH except that the
file scan is in an upward direction. VIEW < <Rn I Ln> «H>nAl nA2 <H>nBl nB2 <H>nCl nC2 ... »
The VIEW command is the primary command for the selective column viewing
feature of EDGAR. Using the VIEW command the user may select, for view­
ing, only those columns which are necessary for the editing to be performed.
Thus, pertinent information in records of greater width than the current
display may be viewed. VIEW specifications are supplied in pairs of positive
decimal integers each of which must not exceed the maximum record length
for the file at the current edit level. Each pair designates a "viewing field".
The first number of the pair indicates the "starting" column of the desired
field, and the second the" ending" column. Within each pair the" ending"
column must be equal to or greater than the "starting" column. However,
view fields (successive pairs) may be in random order. Furthermore, view
fields may overlap or be equal. Each field will be displayed (one following
another) in the data-display area beginning at the left margin. Immediately
preceding the "starting" column designation with the letter "H" causes that
field to displayed in HEX format. The total width of all "viewed fields" .
may not exceed the width of the data-display areas. Specification of an offset
value is optional: If supplied, the offset must be the first argument to the
VIEW command. The offset value is the magnitude (left or right) by which
the selected fields are "offset" from their specified "start" columns. This
must be designated as "R" (for RIGHT) or "L" (for LEFT) immediately
followed (no intervening space) by the offset value. Thus, "R5" indicates
that the selected view fields are to be offset from their specified starting
columns by 5 postions to the right. This is identical to providing the view
fields followed by a "RIGHT 5" command. When the VIEW command is
issued with no arguments, the current view fields and the current offset value
(if any) are displayed in the Type II command area. Note: it is possible for
truncation to occur on such a display, if the column numbers currently in view
plus the offset value number exceed the display width of the Type II com­
mand line. Use of the display option is valuable if the user does not know the
exact current offset value but wishes to restore the display to its normal (no
offset) positon. By issuing the VIEW command with no arguments (creating a
display) and then erasing the offset value from the command, a zero offset
will be re-established. Z < nl < n2 » ZONE is used to establish the current column limits for the STACK, SHIFT, SEARCH, FIND, CHANGE and LOCATE commands. If specified with no
parameters, the current zone settings are displayed on the command line. To
alter the current settings enter the ZONE command specifying the new "START" and "END" zone columns. Each must be a positive decimal integer
not greater than the maximum record length of the file at the current edit
level. The "END" zone must be equal to or greater than the "START" zone. Optionally, the "END" zone setting may be omitted in which case the current "END" zone value will be used .
:XXXX Once a given item in a file has been "named" via the Type II command, POINT, it is possible to find that line regardless of its current location by
entering the "POINT" name, as shown above, on the command line. The name
must be 1-4 characters in length and must begin with a "point" (.) or a "colon" (:).
$XXXX < parms >
An EXEC can be entered from an EDGAR session by entering the $ command
where XXXX is the EXEC name. This command may be followed by whatever PARM's the user wishes to have passed to the EXEC. For further information
about EDGAR EXEC's refer to Section v, Advanced Editing Facilities.
Type II Commands 37
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