CPEREP SUPPORT OF 3031, 3032, AND 3033 PROCESSORS Hardware and Program Feature VM/370 now supports the IBM 3032# and 3033 processors which have logout
formats different from those of the
other System/370 processors,. During the
initialization of the MCH/CCH error
recording cylinders, frames are read
from the Service Record File (SRF)
device and written to the cylinder as a
new record type. During CPEREP processing, both MeH and CCH records are
formatted via the inforaation contained
in the frames on the cylinder. Summary of Amendments
for SY20-0882-3 as updated by SN25-0415 VM/370 Release 5 PLC 1 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CCNTRCL VMFDUftP SYSTEM AND Program Feature and
The Interactive Problem Centrol System (IPCS) is now the VM/370 problem
determination vehicle; therefore, the VMFDUMF (CP Abend DumF) Program chapter
has been deleted and reFlaced with IPCS. summary of Amendments xv
xvi IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
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