Input Processing Output
[ I I I I I I ur Initialize the update program.
2 Examine input operands and options.
(See Diagram 7-6 for details.)
Notes Module
1 Registers 12, 11, and 9 are set up as DMSUPD
base registers. All indicators are set off.
2 The filename operand is required. DMSUPD
3 DiviSUPD checks that the source input I DMSUPD file exists. If not, the message DMSUPD002E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND I is displayed and control returns to the I CMS command environment with a
return code of 28 in register 15. I DMSUPD 4 The DMSUPD module searches for a suitable disk to hold the output files.
First, an attempt is made to place the files on the same disk that contains the
original input. If the input disk is read- only, but is an extension of a readl
write disk, an attempt is made to place the files on that disk. Lastly, an attempt
is made to place the files on the A-disk. If all these attempts fail, the message
DMSUPD037E DISK 'A' IS READI ONLY is displayed and control returns to the CMS command environment with a
return code of 36 in register 15.
5 DMSUPD issues the STATE command DMSUPD
to see if the UPDATE CMSUTl file already exists: it should not exist. If the CMSUTl file exists, the message
DMSUPD024E FILE 'UPDATE CMSUTl fm' ALREADY EXISTS is displayed and control returns to the CMS command environment with a
3 Find the disk that contains the
source file. 4 Determine the disk that will contain the output file. 5 C-heck that needed files exist, 6 If CTL is specified, perform multiple update.
(See Diagram 7-7 for details.)
7 Otherwise, perform single update.
(See Diagram 7-9 for details.)
8 Exit.
(See Diagram 7-11 for details.)
Label Ref Notes -;-1--> Ell llllLI --v DMSUPD return code of 24 in register 15. If the DISK option was specified, an
old copy of 'filename UPDLOG' is
erased (if one exists). PROCESS I INOFILE If the control file option (CTL) IS specified DMSUPD checks that the
control file exists and continues
processing at the CTLMUL T (mul- I I tiple update) routine. If the control file option is not PROCESS specified, DMSUPD checks that the single update file exists and
continues processing at the single update (SINGUPD) routine.
6 See Diagram 7-7.
7 See Diagram 7-9.
8 See Diagram 7-11. PROCESS Diagraa 7-5. Overview of the Update (DMSUPD) Prograa DMSUPD002E m I V DMSUPD037E DMSUPD024E Module Label Ref INOERASE I I I ILOCTUPD I DMSUPD CTLMULT
Chapter 7. Procedures for Generating and updating f8/370 i35
Input Processing Output
filetype filemode options 1 Examine the operands. 2 Handle invalid operands.
> I 3 Check the filename. DMSUPD070E 4 Examine the options. REG 15
A. Handle unrecognizable options. B. Handle options specified twice.
C. Handle conflicting options. :0 -,.-- DMSUPDOO1E REG 15 .. --y DMSUPDOO3E DMSUPD065E DMSUPD066E DMSUPD187E No_ Module Label Ref Notes Module Label Ref
1 DMSUPD uses the filename operand DMSUPD DMSUPD is displayed and control returns to
to set up the disk parameter lists for the CMS command environment
input, update log, and auxiliary files. with a return code of 24 in register All the operands (except the required 15.
filename) and all the options are read
by branching and linking to the B. If an option is specified twice, the OPTDUP OPTSCAN routine. message
The first three operands are the file- DMSUPD065E 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE name, filetype, and filemode of the file to be updated. The next three
operands are the filename, filetype, and filemode that describe the update or control file to be applied. is displayed and control returns to
the CMS command environment
with a return code of 24 in register
2 If more than six operands are
specified before the left C. If two conflicting options are OPTCONF specified, the message
parenthesis, the message DMSUPD066E 'option' AND DMSUPD070E INVALID EXCESIV PARAMETER 'param'
'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS is displayed and control returns to
the CMS command environment with
is displayed and control returns to
the CMS command environment
a return code of 24 in register 15.
with a return code of 24 in register
15. The conflicting pairs of options
3 Only the first operand must be DMSUPD NOFNAME specified. If no operands are found,
and NOSTK, TERM and NOTERM, CTL and NOCTL, CTL and NOINC, and DISK and PRINT. is displayed and control returns to
the CMS command environment with If the STK option is specified with-ERSC
out the CTL option, the message
a return code of 24 in register 15. DMSUPD187E OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL'
4 The options assumed, if not otherwise DMSUPD specified are: SEQS, NO INC, NOREP, NOCTL, NOSTK, TERM, and DISK. is displayed, and control returns to
the CMS command environment
with a return code of 24 in register
When the last option is processed, con- 15. trol returns to the PROCESS routine.
A. If an unrecognizable option is INVOPTN specified, the message DMSUPD003E INVALID OPTION 'option'
Diaara. 7-6. Operand and option 136 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Progra. Logic
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