Return Code -0- 4
16 20 24
36 DMSARI Ne errors Minor errors detected during
asseably, successful prograa execution is probable
Errors detected during
asseably, unsuccessful prograa execution is possible
Serious errors detected during assembly. unsuccessful
execution is probable Critical errors detected during assembly, unsuccessful
execution is probable Catastrophic errors detected
during asseably, partial or complete asseably canceled.
Invalid option, no filename
File not found
Invalid record length for lSM3105 file No read/write disks accessed
The interface between the ASM3105 command
and the 3704/3105 Assembler (CWAIOO). DMSARI ASMPROC TERMPROC !.!:yiJ2ytes SYSUTl processing routine
Terminal output processing
Executes in user area Rl: R14:
R15: RO Rl R2
R9 Rl0 Rll 812 R13
Address of the paraaeter list
Return address
Address of the entry point (DMSARI) NUCON addressability
Address of all PLISTs Werk register Werk register GETMAIN/FREEMAIN aaount Werk register GETMAIN/FREEMAIN address ASMPROC address Work register Werk register
Linkage register FCB address during lSMPROC Base register Save area address
Return register from calls
Assembler root address and return
error code !B Other Routines I!SCRD -- Reaa-5YSPIB! froa console I!SCIR Display SYSPIB! aessage to tMSPLt tMSPNS IMSKEY IMSERR IMSE8S IMSSLB t!SSMN console
FILEDEF all asseabler files Close all asseabler files Control nucleus protect key
Display all error aessages Erase old asseabler files
Load the asseabler phases Control storage pOinters (GET!lIN/PREE!IIN) Verify disk file existence tMSLAtAt SET/RESET tbe PST chain for CII100 auxiliary directory 3705 asseabler
segaent (XF) root Reference§ lIT CMSCE IMSARD FSTB 10 NUCON Data Areas -IDNii! OPTLIST OPDEF PARAMLS'I U'IENTRY UTHEAD OPTAE$ SAVEAREA Names of CMS for assembler Option list passed to the
assembler (Macro label) names and
al:breviations of all options
Parameter list for assembler
In-core SYSUTl record area
Beader area for in-core records
List of pointers to option
table entries SAVEAREI Exit Conditions -NoRiiI: GPR15=O No error ERROR GPR15=24
GPR 15=3'2
Return Code C-- 4 e 12
Invalid option, no filename
File not found
File not fixed, 80 char.
records No read/write disks accessed
Fileid conflict, device invalid
for input No errors Minor errors detected during
assembly, successful program
execution is probable
Errors detected during assembly, unsuccessful program
execution is possible
Serious errors detected during assembly, unsuccessful
execution is probable
182 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
16 20 24
36 D!sGRN Critical errors detected during assembly, unsuccessful
execution i$ probable
Catastrophic errors detected
during assembly, partial or complete assembly canceled
Invalid option, no filename File not found
Invalid record length for AsM3705 file
No read/write disks accessed
Edits the Stage 2 input for the 3704/3705 control program generation, builds the 3704/3705 assembler files and linkage
editor text files, and builds an EXEC macro file. J1!try faint DKsGRN Attributes --RuDs-In-a eMS virtual machine J1!!!I R1: Address of the input parameter list
R13: Address of the savearea
R14: Return address
R15: CsECT base address RO-10: R11:
R15: Work registers
Base register 2
Base register 1
Address of the savearea
Linkage register
Return code None !!terj!al None t a !il.!§ FsCB Exit Conditions --a12:-----Base-address R13: Address of input savearea
R14: Return address
R15: Return code D!5LKD The interface to the :Editor. JatrI Point I!KsLKD Attributes --ieusable, disk resident !B!!I Os/Vs1 Linkage
R1: Address of input parameter list ]sage RO-11 : Work registers
Base register
Address of savearea Work registers £!!!§ to t!ssTT tMSERS tMSLAtW I!sFLt .Qther l.Q!!tines To get a copy of an PST To delete a file fro. disk
To find a read/write disk
To establish file definitions
for as simulaticn BEWLlROU To link edit text files
External References constant area ltTSECT The active disk table F5TSECT The file status table
Data lreas --JiT-(lctive Disk Table)
Exit Conditions 15 indicate results
of processing
Return Code 0-16 20 24 28 32
36 Linkage editor return codes
Invalid file ID character Bo filename specified, missing operand on LIEE or Nl!E option,
or invalid parameter
File not found lile not fixed 80-byte records Bo read/write disk accessed or disk
not accessed Chapter The 3704/3705 Service Programs 183
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