Input Notes Module
3 Continued Find the trace table from 'traccurr' DMMTRC in the PSA. Convert the count to
a byte count. Submit it to
DMMFED as display 'hexloc' nnnn. Fetch the page containing the DMMLOC 'fromaddr' into storage. Compare the string against the data at
'fromaddr'. If not equal, increase
the data pointer by the 'increment'
parameter and compare again.
Continue until either the comparison
is equal then display the area
containing the equal compare or until the 'toaddr' is reached then
issue message: STRING 'string' NOT FOUND Read the load map from the end DMMMOD of the dump and scan it for this label. Submit the address of the label to DMMFEX to display. Separate the channel block, control DMMIOB unit block, and device block for the
given real or virtual device address. Display the blocks. DMMFED Get the system VMBLOK pointer DMMVMB from the PSA. 'Follow the pointer
to the chain of VMBLOKs. Print a list of the active VMBLOKs with the userid and selected status
3 Continued Trace [12... ]
nnn Display the lastest nnn entries
in the trace table. Locate string fromaddr
toaddr [increment]
Find the string in the dump
and display it. DMKmmee
Use the load map to find the module in the dump and display the code. Rioblok cuu Vioblok cuu Display the channel, control unit and device block. Vmblok Display a list of logged on
users and their status. REGS C G Display the registers and, optionally, the clocks, timers, PSWs, CSW, and CAW. Label Ref Notes Output Step 2 Check for AP or UP dump. Select DMMTRC the appropriate set of registers
and if the subcommand is not 'C' or 'G', also display the PSW and
22 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
Module Label Ref
Notes Module
3 Continued Check that the dump does not DMMDSC already have a load map. If it does,
issue the message: LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT I if it does not, caii DiviiviiviAP to add I the load map to the dump. (See Diagram 2·6 for a description
of DMMMAP processing.) Read the load map from the end of DMMMOD the dump. Scan for the address
closest to, and before the given
address. See if the module is pageable. If it is, find its loaded address at dump
time. Display the entry point name
and displacement. Turn PRINT 'ON' or 'OFF' as DMMDSC requested.
? Display the current print status. CLOSE Issue CP DIAGNOSE 'OS'. subcommand Issue subcommand and turn
printing 'ON' for subcommand. PRINT Reissue the previous subcommand
and print the output.
Processing Output 3 Continued e Map
Add a load map to the dump . DMK? hexloc Find which module or entry
point contains the address
'hexloc'. l Print lOFF J CLOSE subcommand Control the printing of data
being displayed . &name
&name subcommand
Maintain a table of symbolic
names and invoke symbolic
from the table. Label Ref Notes &name Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Call a names subcommand from
MAPCHECK the table. & Display a list of the entries in the TWOMAPS table. &name subcommand I I Add the subcommand into a table
of subcommands.
QREQUEST PAGEMOD CHECKTWO SHOWPSW CLOSEPRT SUBCOM RESUBCOM I Module Label Ref DMMDSC FOUNDAMP SHOWTAB I NOT!NTA." I Diagram 2-1. DUMPSCAN IPCS Command (Part 3 of 3) Chapter 2. IPCS--The Interactive Problem central System 23
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