Input r REG 1 ______ ..,
3 The date and time stamps are supplied
from CMS low storage. The
FSWRITE routine writes the first two
records, which contain general information about the problem. The
third record, containing a start of
keyword area indicator, is written. Keyword data is passed in variable blocked format. The data is
extracted and moved to the output
buffer one entry per 80-character
record. FSWRITE adds this data
and an end of keywords record. Supplementary data file names
are added to the problem report
file if supplied. Textual descriptions of the problem are added to the file if supplied. . Data from INTSECT (the internal
data area) low storage (time and
date) and the initial status fields are
moved to the 80-byte output area
and FSWRITE adds the data to the
symptom summary file. The keyword data is rounded up to
a multiple of 80 bytes and the
information is added to the symptom
summary file. From
2-5 Module DMMWRT
3 Write a problem report.
4 Look for duplicate problem. 5 For an existing problem: Obtain the problem number
from the user. Obtain any additional
supporting data file
information. Obtain any user free form
comments to be added. Return
to CMS Add information to the
problem report. Label Ref Notes
4 Look for duplicate problem: The keyword data for the new INTOUT problem is compared to that of all existing problems and any exact
matches are considered duplicates.
The search is terminated when the
newly created problem is
encountered. KEYOUT The user is notified (at the terminal) as each duplicate problem is
encountered. Up to 10 duplicate
problems may be displayed for a
search. SUPPOUT If duplicate was found, DMMSUM
is called to record the first
encountered duplicate problem TEXTOUT
number in both the symptom
summary control record for the
problem, and the problem report.
5 A response of 'YES' to the prompt
indicates that this is an update to an
existing problem: The user is prompted for the number
of the problem, and its existence is
CNTRLOUT verified. The user is prompted for any
additional data file names. The user is prompted for free form
comments to be added to the report. The new information, with a date
and time stamp is added to the problem report.
Diagram 2-3. PROB IPCS Command (Part 2 of 2)
26 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic Module Label Ref
input Processing Output
List ULJ lJ
1 Determine type of request.
2 STAT ALL with no other
operands produces a file of
current status for all problems.
3 STAT ALL with other operands
that request specific categories,
produces a display of the
requested status.
4 STAT with no operands causes
a prompt of the user for
probiem number and a display of the specified status.
5 STAT nnnnn is a request for a
display of the current status of
the specified problem. I Return
to CMS r Notes Module Label Ref Notes
1 If an operand is not recognized, issue DMMSTA START 4 STAT: message: The user is prompted for the number of OPERAND NOT RECOGNIZED, CK2CONT the problem whose status he wishes. 12 STATALL ASSUMED STAT ALL: 1 1 STALLDC 1 Set switch (LAL LSW) and erase any old copy of STATALL LOCAL file. Heading line is written followed by all the symptom summary control
records and the file is closed. .If he enters 0000, STAT ALL is 1 assumed (see Step 2). If he enters a number other than 0000, that number is checked for
validity and the symptom summary
file is searched for the requested
problem. STATSRCH 3 STAT ALL oper: If any additional operands are not
recognized, issue message: OPERAND oper NOT RECOGNIZED 5 STAT nnnnn:
The problem number nnnnn is checked
for validity. If the number is in the correct
format, the symptom summary file If operands are valid, the entire is searched for the requested
symptom summary file is searched problem.
and each control record is matched
with the specified operands. The status is displayed when found. If a match is found, the control
record is presented to the user on the If the problem is not found, issue
terminal and the search continues. PROBLEM NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY FILE Diagra. 2-4. STAT IPCS Co •• and 1 I Module Label Ref SPNUM 1 1 STATRDY Chapter 2. IPCS--The Interactive Proble. Central Syste. 27
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