If code '04' is specified: Register Ry contains a X'02' in the low-order byte if
frame records are present on the error recording cylinders; X'OO' if no frame
records present.
Note: Codes '02' and '04' may both be specified (code '06') on invoking DIAGĀ­
NOSE. Both an Rx and Ry value must be specified. iGNOSE Code X'30' -- Read One Page of LOGREC Data
Privilege class C, E, or F
Execution of DIAGNOSE Code X'30' allows a user to read one page of the system
error recording area.
Entry Values: The register specified as Rx contains the DASD location (in VM/SP
control program internal format) of the desired record. The Ry register contains
the virtual address of a page-size buffer to receive the data. The DMKRP AGT
routine supplies the page of data.
Condition Codes: The condition codes returned are:
Successful read, data available
End of area, no data I/O error
Invalid location, outside recording area
Note: Issuing DIAGNOSE X'30' against a locked page causes the page to become
unlocked. DIAGNOSE Code X'34' --Read System Dump Spool File
Privilege class C or E
A user can read the system spool file by issuing a DIAGNOSE Code X'34' instrucĀ­
tion. However, this Diagnose Code cannot read spool files that contain VMDUMP records --use DIAGNOSE Code X'14' for this purpose. If a program attempts to
use DIAGNOSE Code X'34' to read VMDUMP records, CP returns a condition
code of 2.
Entry Values: The register specified as Rx contains the virtual address of a
page-size buffer to receive the data. The Ry register, which must not be register
15, contains the virtual address of the spool input card reader.
Condition Codes: Ry+ 1, on return, may contain error codes as follows:
Error Code
Data transfer successful
End of file
File not found
Device address invalid
DIAGNOSE Instruction in a Virtual Machine 241
Condition Ry+l
Code Error Code Meaning 3 8 Device type invalid .., 12 Device busy J
3 16 Fatal paging I/O error
The DMKDRDMP routine searches the system chain of spool input files for the
dump file belonging to the user issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction. The first (or
next) record from the dump file is provided to the virtual machine via
DMKRPAGT and the condition code is set to zero. The dump file is closed via VM/SP console function CLOSE. Note: Issuing DIAGNOSE X'34' against a locked page causes the page to become
unlocked. DIAGNOSE Code X'38' --Read System Symbol Table I Privilege class C or E
Execution of DIAGNOSE Code X'38' causes the routine DMKDRDSY to read the
system table into storage.
Entry Vailles: The register specified as Rx contains the address of the page buffer
to contain the symbol table.
Condition Codes: When complete, the Ry register, which must not be register 15,
contains a condition code. On return, Ry+ 1 may contain an error code.
Error Code
Full page of data available to virtual machine
No symbol table is available Page buffer is locked for an I/O operation
Fatal paging I/O error
1. The format of the symbol table entries is described in CP macro SYM. 2. Issuing DIAGNOSE X'34' against a locked page causes the page to become
unlocked. DIAGNOSE Code X'3C' -- VM/SP Directory I Privilege class A, B, or C
Execution of DIAGNOSE Code X'3C' allows a user to dynamically update the VM/SP directory. The register specified as Rx contains the first 4 bytes of the
volume identification. The first two bytes of Ry contain the last two bytes of the
volume identification. The last two bytes of Ry contain the volume address. The
routine DMKUDRDS dynamically updates the directory.
Condition Codes: The PSW condition code is set depending on the success of the
operation or the meaning of the condition code. The condition codes are set as folĀ­
242 VMjSP System Programmer's Guide
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