maximum virtual
machine storage size
privilege classes
dispatching priority
logical editing symbols
system name or virtual
device address and vari­
able data
An eight-byte, left-justified decimal value followed
by the letter K. Pad with blanks following the let­
ter K.
An eight-byte value where each byte represents a
privilege class. Valid values for each byte are A
through H .. All existing classes in the directory
entry are replaced. Therefore, specify existing
classes that are to be retained as well as classes
that are to be changed. The data must be
left-justified and padded with blanks.
An eight-byte, left-justified value where the first
two bytes, counting from the left, specify the dis­
patching priority. Valid values for these bytes are
1 -99. Values 1 through 9 must be padded with a
blank. The other six bytes are reserved for IBM
An eight-byte value where the first four bytes,
counting from the left, are line edit symbols. The
first or high-order byte is the "line-end" symbol,
the second byte is the "line-delete" symbol, the
third byte is the "character-delete" symbol, and
the fourth byte is the "escape-character" symbol.
All existing symbols in the directory are replaced.
Therefore, specify existing symbols that are to be
retained as well as symbols that are to be changed.
Unspecified symbols must contain blanks. The last
four bytes of the eight-byte value are reserved for
IBM use.
A one-to-eight character value, left-justified and
padded with blanks, followed by the keyword P ARM and up to 48 characters of variable data.
All existing values are replaced in the directory
entry; therefore, specify values that are to be
retained as well as values that are to be changed.
Trailing blanks are not truncated but passed. DIAGNOSE Instruction in a Virtual Machine 269
account number
account number
account number
distribution identification
user options 270 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
A one-to-eight character value, left justified and
padded with blanks. (This change takes effect the
next time the USERID is logged on.)
A one-to-eight character value left-justified and
padded with blanks. (This change takes effect
immediately. )
A one-to-eight character value, left-justified and
padded with blanks. (This change takes effect
immediately but is temporary, lasting only until the USERID is logged off.)
A one-to-eight character value, left-justified and
padded with blanks.
An eighty-byte, left-justified value padded with
blanks. Specify each option as a character string
with a blank character between options. For a
description of each option and a list of valid
values, see VM / SP Planning Guide and Reference.
All existing options are replaced in the directory
entry. Therefore, specify existing options that are
to be retained as well as options that are to be
changed. The options field must be followed by
the value X'FFFFFFFF'.
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