Functional Information
Register Usage
Structure of DMSNUC
USERSECT (User Area)
The most important thing to remember about CMS, from a debugging standpoint,
is that it is a one-user system. The supervisor manages only one user and keeps
track of only one user's file and storage chains. Thus, everything in a dump of a
particular machine relates only to that virtual machine's activity.
You should be familiar with register usage, save area structuring, and control block
relationships before attempting to debug or alter CMS.
When a CMS routine is called, Rl must point to a valid parameter list (PLIST) for
that program. On return, RO mayor may not contain meaningful information. For'
example, on return from a call to FILEDEF with no change, RO contains a negative
address if a new FCB (File Control Block) has been set up; otherwise, a positive
address of the already existing FCB. R15 contains the return code, if any. The use
of Registers 0 and 2 through 11 varies. On entry to a command or routine called by SVC 202 the following are in effect:
The address of the PLIST supplied by the caller.
The address entry point of the called routine.
The address of a work area (12 doublewords) supplied by SVCINT.
The return address to the SVCINT routine.
The entry point (same as register 12). On return from a routine, Register 15 contains:
o <0 >0 Meaning
No error occurred
Called routine not found
Error occurred
If a CMS routine is called by an SVC 202, registers 0 through 14 are saved and
restored by CMS.
Most CMS routines use register 12 as a base register.
DMSNUC is the portion of storage in a CMS virtual machine that contains system
control blocks, flags, constants, and pointers.
The CSECTs in DMSNUC contain only symbolic references. This means that an
update or modification to CMS, which changes a CSECT in DMSNUC, does not
automatically force all CMS modules to be recompiled. Only those modules that
refer to the area that was redefined must be recompiled.
The USERSECT CSECT defines space that is not used by CMS. A modification
or update to CMS can use the 18 fullwords defined for USERSECT. There is a
pointer (AUSER) in the NUCON area to the user space.
Functional Information 315
DEVTAB (Device Table)
IBM Device Type 3210, 3215, 1052, 3066,3270 The DEVT AB CSECT is a table describing the devices available for the eMS sys­
tem. The table contains the following entries:
1 console 26 disks
1 reader
1 punch
1 printer
4 tapes
You can change some existing entries in DEVT AB. Each device table entry con­
tains the following information:
Virtual device address
Device flags Device types
Symbol device name
Address of the interrupt processing routine (for the console)
The virtual address of the console is defined at logon time. The symbolic names of
the user disks can be altered dynamically with the ACCESS command. Figure 34
describes the devices supported by CMS.
Virtual Symbolic
Address' Name (default) Device Use cuu
2 CONI System console
Figure 34 (Part 1 of 2). Devices Supported by a eMS Virtual Machine
316 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
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