Standard Format
[label] CMSIUCV Code Meaning
4 A program with this name has previously issued a HNDIUCV SET (SET) 8 No HNDIUCV SET has been issued for this program
16 The NAME parameter was not specified or its address is equal
to zero (SET,REP,CLR) 20 The EXIT parameter was not specified or its address is equal to
zero (SET) 32 An lUCY DECLARE BUFFER has already been issued by a non-CMS lUCY program. CMS lUCY support cannot be ini­
tialized (SET) 36 Errors were encountered reading the directory for the virtual
machine during CMS lUCY initialization (SET) 40 Unrecognized function
2xx An error was encountered in getting CMS free storage. "xx" =
the return code from DMSFREE. (SET) 1 xxx While trying to SEVER all of the program's paths, an lUCY SEVER error occurred. "xxx" is the IPRCODE field that was
returned by lUCY to aid in diagnosing the error. (CLR) Use the CMSIUCV macro to begin or terminate lUCY communications with
another lUCY program or with CPo The four formats of the CMSIUCV macro are:
MF = (L,addr[,label])
The standard format of the CMSIUCV macro is:
CONNECT,NAME=addr,PRMLIST=addr[,EXIT=addr] [,UWORD=addr] [,ERROR=addr]
[ , UWORD=addr ] [ , ERROR=addr]
SEVER,NAME=addr,PRMLIST=addr[,ERROR=addr [CODE=ALLONE] where: CMS lUCY Support 359
addr is an assembler program label or an address stored in a general register.
If a register is used, it must be enclosed in parentheses. Also, the register
must contain a non-zero value. A zero value is treated as though the
parameter was not specified, and defaults are used. If the parameter was
required by the macro function, a non-zero return code is generated.
labe 1 is an assembler program label.
CONNECT requests CMS to perform an lUCY CONNECT. A CONNECT parame­
ter list must be set up by the program and passed to CMS.
ACCEPT requests CMS to perform an lUCY ACCEPT. An ACCEPT parameter
list must be set up by the program and passed to CMS. SEVER requests CMS to perform an lUCY SEVER. A SEVER parameter list
must be set up by the program and passed to CMS. Any EXIT estab­
lished for the path being SEVERed is terminated. A SEVER with the IP ALL bit turned on, which would cause a SEVER of all paths for the
virtual machine, is not permitted.
EXIT= UWORD= label is an assembler program label that is the address of the exit
(Rn) is a general register. Its value is the address of the exit routine.
The exit routine receives control whenever an lUCY external interrupt
occurs on this lUCY path. If this parameter is not specified, the exit
address defaults to the address specified in the HNDIUCV macro for this
program. Any time an lUCY external interrupt occurs for the specific lUCY path, the address is given control.
label is an assembler program label that is the address that is stored
as the UWORD. (Rn) is a general register. Its contents are stored as the UWORD. UWORD is an optional fullword that can be specified by the invoker for
any purpose desired. When the exit routine receives control, register 0 contains the value of the UWORD associated with the path on which the lUCY external interrupt occurred. Register 0 contains the address if a
label was used, or the value of the register if a register was used. If this
parameter is not specified, the UWORD value defaults to the value speci­
fied on the HNDIUCV macro for this program.
360 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
label is an assembler program label. It is the address of the pro­
gram's lUCY PRMLIST.
(Rn) is a general register. Its value is the address of the program's lUCY PRMLIST.
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