Due to the design of the CMS loader, an XCTL from the explicitly loaded phase,
followed by a LINK by succeeding phases, may cause unpredictable results.
Listed below are descriptions of all the as macro functions that are simulated by
CMS as seen by the programmer. Implementation and program results that differ
from those given in as Data Management Macro Instructions and as Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions are stated. HIARCHY options and those used only
by as multitasking systems are ignored by CMS. Validity checking is not perĀ­
formed within the simulation routines. The entry point name in LINK, XCTL, and LOAD (SVC 6, 7, 8) must be a member name or alias in a TXTLIB directory
unless the COMPSWT is set to on. If the COMPSWT is on, SVC 6, 7, and 8 must
specify a module name. This switch is turned on and off by using the COMPSWT macro. See the VM / SP CMS Command and Macro Reference for descriptions of
all CMS user macros.
Macro-SVC No. Differences in Implementation XDAP-SVCO The TYPE option must be R or W; the V, I, and K options are
not supported. The BLKREF-ADDR must point to an item
number acquired by a NOTE macro. Other options associated
with V, I, or K are not supported.
WAIT -SVC 1 All options of WAIT are supported. The WAIT routine waits
for the completion bit to be set in the specified ECBs. POST -SVC2 All optiot;ls of POST are supported. POST sets a completion
code and a completion bit in the specified ECB.
GETMAIN-SVC4 Post ECB, execute end of task routines, release phase storage,
unchain and free latest request block, and restore registers
depending upon whether this is an exit or return from a linked
or an attached routine. Do not use EXIT/RETURN to exit
from an explicitly LOADed phase. If EXIT/RETURN is used
for this purpose, CMS issues abend code AOA. All options of GETMAIN are supported except SP, BNDRY=,
and HIARCHY, which are ignored by CMS, and LC and LU, which result in abnormal termination if used. GETMAIN gets
blocks of free storage.
All options of FREEMAIN are supported except SP, which is
ignored by eMS, and L, which result in abnormal termination if
used. FREEMAIN frees blocks of storage acquired by
The DCB and HIARCHY options are ignored by CMS. All
other options of LINK are supported. LINK loads the specified
program into storage (if necessary) and passes control to the
specified entry point.
as Macro Simulation Under eMS 373
XCTL-SVC7 LOAD-SVC8 The DCB and HIARCHY options are ignored by CMS. All
other options of XCTL are supported. XCTL loads the speciĀ­
fied program into storage (if necessary) and passes control to
the specified entry point.
The DCB and HIARCHY options are ignored by CMS. All
other options of LOAD are supported. LOAD loads the speciĀ­
fied program into storage (if necessary) and returns the address
of the specified entry point in register zero. If loading a subrouĀ­
tine is required when SVC8 is issued, CMS searches directories
for a TXTLIB member containing the entry point or for a
TEXT file with a matching filename. An entry name in an
unloaded TEXT file will not be found unless the filename
matches the entry name. After the subroutine is loaded, CMS
attempts to resolve external references within the subroutine,
and may return another entry point address. To insure a correct
address in register zero, the user should bring such subroutines
into storage either by the CMS LOAD/INCLUDE commands
or by a VCON in the user program. GETPOOL/FREEPOOL All the options of GETPOOL and FREEPOOL are supported. GETPOOL constructs a buffer pool and stores the address of a
buffer pool control block in the DCB. FREEPOOL frees a
buffer pool constructed by GETPOOL. DELETE-SVC9 All the options of DELETE are supported. DELETE decreases
the use count by one and, if the result is zero, frees the correĀ­
sponding virtual storage. Code 4 is returned in register 15 if the
phase is not found.
GETMAIN /FREEMAIN -SVC 1 0 All the options of GETMAIN and FREEMAIN are supported
except SP and HIARCHY, which are ignored by CMS. TIME-SVCll CMS supports only the DEC, BIN, and MIC parameters of
the TIME macro instruction. However, the time value that
CMS returns is only accurate to the nearest second, and is conĀ­
verted to the proper unit.
ABEND-SVCI3 The completion code parameter is supported. The DUMP parameter is not. If a ST AE request is outstanding, control is
given to the proper ST AE routine. If a ST AE routine is not
outstanding, a message indicating that an abend has occurred is
printed on the terminal along with the completion code.
SPIE-SVCI4 All the options of SPIE are supported. The SPIE routine speciĀ­
fies interruption exit routines and program interruption types
that cause the exit routine to receive control. RESTORE-SVCI7 BLDL-SVCI8
374 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
The RESTORE routine in CMS is a NOP. It returns control to
the user.
BLDL is an effective NOP for LINKLIBs and JOBLIBs. For
TXTLIBs and MACLIBs, item numbers are filled in the TTR
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