Queue 3
eMS BLIP Facility
Q2 delay factor
is calculated dynamically based on configuration and load, and is the average
elapsed time required by a virtual machine to receive an amount of processor
time equal to one Q2 time slice.
For Q 1 virtual machines, the scaled bias is divided by 8 (since the Q 1 processor
usage time slice is 1/8th the Q2 time slice). The difference between scheduling a
virtual machine in Q1 instead of Q2 is that it receives 1/8th the amount of
processor,8 times as often. Operating constantly in either queue, a virtual machine
should receive the same amount of processor resources over an extended period of
time. The only preference given Q 1 virtual machines is when they are being moved
from the eligible list to the dispatch list. They are moved ahead of Q2 virtual
machines with the same or even slightly better deadline priorities.
Q3 is an extension of Q2 scheduling. It helps to distinguish between
non-interactive virtual machines and those that are frequently switching back and
forth between Q2 and Q 1. Virtual machines that have cycled through at least eight
consecutive Q2 processor time slices without a Q 1 interaction are labeled Q3. Q3
virtual machines are kept in the same lists (or queues) as Q2 virtual machines and
for most purposes are treated identically. The differences between Q2 and Q3 vir­
tual machines are reflected in their deadline priority calculations and the amounts
of such processor time they are allowed in queue. Q3 virtual machines are allowed
eight consecutive Q2 processor time slices before they are dropped from queue.
Because of the eight-fold increase in processor time allowed each time in queue,
the scaled bias is multiplied by eight before adding to the current time-of-day to
form the deadline priority. Q3 virtual machines should receive eight times as much
processor time each time in queue as Q2 virtual machines, but only 1/8th as often.
To reiterate the Ql/Q2 statement, which is also true for Q2/Q3: Operating con­
stantly in any queue, a virtual machine should receive the same amount of process­
or resources over an extended period of elapsed time. This does not necessarily
mean that a virtual machine performs the same when operating in Q3 mode as
when operating in standard Q2 mode. An amount of overhead (roughly propor­
tional to the small number of resident pages) is used for each virtual machine when
it drops from queue. When operating in Q3 mode, a virtual machine may perform
much better than in normal Q2 mode because it is undergoing fewer queue drops.
For some very large virtual storage programs, the total processor resources used
has been cut in half by operating in Q3 mode as compared to standard Q2 mode.
The CMS BLIP facility causes CMS to perform a write operation to the terminal
after every 2 seconds of virtual processor use. This feature effectively cancels
Queue 3 use for normal, connected CMS virtual machines, regardless of what types
of programs they are running. The CMS BLIP facility can be turned off with the CMS SET BLIP OFF command or it can be disabled with the CP SET TIMER OFF command.
Using Processor Resources 17
Interruption Handling i/O interrupts
Missing Interrupt I-Iandler
Input/ output interrupts from completed I/O operations initiate various completion
routines and the scheduling of further I/O requests. The I/O interrupt handling
routine also gathers device sense information.
An I/O operation, such as a minidisk operation or a paging operation, that does
not complete in a specified time period causes a missing interrupt condition. An
incomplete minidisk operation can lock out a virtual machine user or an incomplete
paging I/O operation can degrade the performance of the system. The missing
interrupt handler detects incomplete I/O conditions by monitoring I/O activity
and, in addition, it takes action to correct incomplete I/O conditions without opera­
tor intervention. The missing interrupt handler, therefore, is designed to improve
the availability 'of the system by preventing user lockout and system degradation.
The missing interrupt handler scans the real device blocks (RDEVBLOKs) at spec­
ified time intervals. If the device is busy (RDEVBUZY flag is on) a bit
(RDEVMID) is set that indicates a possible missing interrupt condition. The first
level interrupt handler, DMKIOT, resets RDEVBUZY and RDEVMID when the
device causes an interrupt at the completion of an I/O operation. Therefore, if
RDEVMID is on at the end of the next time interval, a missing interrupt condition
The installation may use the default time interval for each distinct device category
or may specify a time value. For example, if the default time interval value of ten
minutes for tape devices is not appropriate for an installation's configuration, the
installation may change this value. See "Default Time Interval Values" and "Changing the Time Interval" for a list of the default time interval values and how
you can change these values.
Using the Missing Interrupt Handler
To use the Missing Interrupt Handler, DMKDID must be included in the loadlist
during system generation. MIH can be set on either by including it as an option in
the directory or by issuing the SET command. The default is MIH OFF. With
MIH is on, when a missing interrupt is detected, CP simulates the interrupt. With
MIH off, when a missing interrupt is detected, message DMKDID546I is issued but CP does not simulate the interrupt. If DMKDID is deleted from the load list during
system generation, support for the Missing Interrupt Handler is removed and no
messages are written to notify the operator of a missing interrupt.
If you want to change the interval time value, you must include the optional macro SYSMIH in the system control file (DMKSYS). You must place this macro before
the SYSLOCS macro.
When a missing interrupt occurs, the control program attempts to correct the condi­
tion and issues a message that either:
The condition is cleared
18 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
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