Function/ SVC. No.
Macro Dec Hex Support
TASK INTERF. 107 6B Provides macro interface support for system
information retrieval. The parameters supported
Field=ppsavar returns problem program
save area address.
=savar returns current save area
=maintask returns main task TID in R 1.
=aclose return in R1 1 if in process,
o if not.
=pcexit returns the pcexit routine
address and save area in RO and R1 respectively. If the
exit routine is currently
active, bit 0 in RO is set ON. If no exit is defined, it
returns a 0 in both RO and
Rl. MODFLD: =vsamopen set bit X'08' in tab tabflags
byte if R1.., =0 =aclose set bit X' 10' in tab tab flags
byte if R1.., =0 The MODFLD requests for fields CNCLALL and OPENSV A are treated as a NOP with a return
code of O. All other GETFLD/MODFLD requests as well as
all other SVC 107 macro calls are unsupported.
The error message DMSGMF121S is issued and
the request cancelled. See note 2.
DATA SECURE 108 6C Not supported, see note 2. PAGESTAT 109 6D Not supported, see note 2.
Figure 45 (Part 8 of 9). SVC Support Routines and Their Operation
VSE Support Under eMS 399
Function/ SVC. No.
Macro Dec Hex Support LOCK/UNLOCK 110 6E Used to control access to resources. Access is
maintained in either a 'shared' or 'exclusive' con-
trol environment. Counters are maintained as well
as the type of control for each resource in a table (LOCKTAB) built in free storage when DOS is
SET ON. All entries not unlocked by the program
are cleared at both normal and abnormal
All requests for resource control are passed to SVC 110 through the DTL macro (Define the
Lock). SVC 63 requests are mapped into a dum-
my DTL and processed by SVC 110. Figure 45 (Part 9 of 9). SVC Support Routines and Their Operation
1. No operation:
In each case, register 15 is cleared to simulate successful operation, and all oth­
er registers are returned unchanged, unless otherwise noted.
2. Not supported:
For unsupported SVCs, an error message is given, and the SVC is treated as a "cancel" .
Sequential Access Method --Declarative Macros CMS/DOS supports the following declarative macros:
DTFCD -Types X'02' and X'04' DTFCN -Types X'03' DTFDI -Types X'33'
DTFMT -Types X'10', X'll', X'12', and X'14'
DTFPR -Types X'08' DTFSD -Types X'20' The CDMOD, DIMOD, MTMOD, and PRMOD, macros generate the logical IOCS routines that correspond with the declarative macros. For files on disk, the
logical IOCS routines used during program execution reside in the CMSBAM
DCSS and are not generated within the program. The operands that CMS/DOS supports for the DTF are also supported for the xxMOD macro. In addition, CMS/DOS supports three internal macros that the COBOL and PL/I compilers
require: DTFCP (types X'31' and X'32'), CPMOD, and DTFSL.
DTFCD Macro --Defines the File for a Card Reader CMS/DOS does not support the ASOCFLE, FUNC, TYPEFILE=CMBND, and OUBLKSZ operands of the DTFCD macro. CMS/DOS ignores the SSELECT
operand and any mode other than MODE=E. Figure 46 describes the DTFCD
macro operands and their support under CMS/DOS. An asterisk (*) in the status
column indicates that CMS/DOS support differs from VSE support. 400 VM!SP System Programmer's Guide
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