Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging
Function Setting address
Dumping stor-
age contents to
the printer
Displaying the
contents of
storage and
control regis-
ters at the ter-
minal Storing infor-
If you are debugging problems while running CMS, you can choose the CP or CMS debugging tools. Refer to Figure 66 for a comparison of the CP and CMS debug­
ging tools.
The CP ADSTOP command can set only Can set up to 16 address stops at a time.
one address stop at a time. The PER com-
mand can be used to set up multiple address
The dump is printed in hexadecimal format The dump is printed in hexadecimal
with EBCDIC translation. The storage format. The storage address of the first
address of the first byte of each line is iden-byte of each line is identified at the left.
tified at the left. The control blocks are The contents of general and
formatted. floating-point registers are printed at the
beginning of the dump.
The display is typed in hexadecimal format The display is typed in hexadecimal for-
with EBCDIC translation. The CP com-mat. The CMS commands do not dis-
mand displays storage keys, floating-point play storage keys, floating-point
registers and control registers. registers, or control registers, as the CP
command does.
The amount of information stored by the The CMS command stores up to 12
CP command is limited only by the length of bytes of information. CMS stores data
the input line. The information can be in the general registers but not in the
fullword aligned when stored. CP stores floating-point or control registers. CMS data in the PSW, but not in the CA W or stores data in the PSW, CA W, and CSW. However, data can be stored in the CSW. CSW or CA W by specifying the hardware
address in the STORE command. CP also
stores the status of the virtual machine in
the extended log out area.
Figure 66 (Part 1 of 2). Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging
Introduction to Debugging 495
Function CP CMS Tracing infor- CP TRACE traces: CMS traces all SVC interrupts. CMS mation displays the contents of general and All interrupts, instructions, and floating-point registers before and after
branches a routine is called. The parameter list is SVC interrupts recorded before a routine is called. 110 interrupts Program interrupts External interrupts Privileged instructions All user 110 operations Virtual and real CCWs All instructions. CP PER provides increased selectivity in
tracing the execution of instructions that: Cause successful branches Alter specific storage locations Alter specific general registers Are fetched and executed.
The CP tracing is interactive. You can stop
and display other fields.
Figure 66 (Part 2 of 2). Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities
496 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
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