Class Eight - SYSPROF -- Additional data for system profile class
Monitor Data of Variable Variable
Code Item Bytes Name Name 02 Additional data at add queue, drop queue
Number of 4-byte device block counts
which follow 2 MN802NUM For each device ... count of I/O's 4 RDEVIOCT
After device counts ...
Current number of users logged on 4 DMKSYSNM MN802NAU Total system page reads 4 PGREAD MN802PGR Total system page wdtes 4 PGWRITE MN802PGW Current number of pageable pages 4 DMKDSPNP MN802NPP Total system idle time 8 IDLEWAIT MN802WID
Total system page wait time 8 PAGEWAIT MN802WPG
Total system I/O wait time 8 IONTWAIT MN802WIO Total system problem time 8 PROBTIME MN802PRB Appendix B. VM/SP Monitor Tape Format and Content 557
Appendix c. eMS Macro Library
eMS Macro
DIB *nT("")C'"Dr''T' LJ.I.'-'U.L.Jv.l. DISPW DMSABN
The following is a list and brief description of the CMS macros applicable to VM/SP. Asterisk (*) indicates that the macro is reserved for IBM use.
Generates a CSECT or DSECT for an active disk table.
Generates an active disk table (ADT) for a disk; used by ADTSECT.
Generates all the ADTs for CMS.
Generates a DSECT for an active file table.
Generates all the AFTs for CMS.
Table of CPU, punch, and printer limits for user jobs running under CMS batch.
DSECT of boundary box; contains beginning and ending addresses of background
communication region.
DSECT of background communication region.
Task Control Block.
Equivalent to SVCSA VE macro.
Generates a list of simulated OS control blocks.
Generates the communication vector table as supported by CMS.
Defines the value of 'release number' of the feature or program product returned by QUERY CMSLEVEL. Refer to the CMSLEVEL macro for more information.
Sets the compiler switch on or off. Refer to VM!SP eMS Command and Macro
Sets the origin for CSECT.
Generates a CSECT or DSECT for DEBUG environment variables.
Used by the XEDIT module DMSXIN to determine filetype default settings. The DESTYP block is defined in DMSXTF.
Generates a device table for a given device; used by the DEVT AB macro.
DSECT for a device table.
Generates the device tables for the CMS nucleus.
Issues a specified CP Diagnose instruction.
Disk Information Blocks.
Generates a CSECT or DSECT for all I/O information.
Generates the calling sequence for the display terminal interface. Refer to the
VM / SP System Programmer's Guide.
ABEND the virtual machine. Refer to the V}J / SP System Programmer's Guide.
DSECT describes field of DOS command control block (CCB). Refer to VM/SP Data Areas and Control Block Logic, Volume 2 (CMS). Allocates a work area for DMSABN.
Reserved for IBM use.
558 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
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