SNA Console Communication services 187,502
spinning on a lock 502 storage management 502 storing a virtual CSW 502 SVC interrupts SVCTRACE command 493
TRACE command 493
unstacking 10BLOK or TRQBLOK 502 user operations, TRACE command 493
TRACSTRT (start of trace table) 508 transient area (CMS) 318
transient program area 343
transient routines supported by CMS/DOS 409 TRQBLOK, VM/SP SNA support 185
TrIMER macro 376
type (device) 517
types of locks
defer 215
spin 215 UCS (Universal Character Set) adding buffer images 283
supplied images 281 UCSB (Universal Character Set Buffer)
supplied images 281
UNAUTHORIZE, VMCF sub function 92
unexpected results 469 See also problem, types
reason for 482
unit record, devices, sharing 11
Universal Character Set See UCS (Universal Character Set) unproductive processing time 469
user directory
reading 242
updating 242
user doubleword, VMCF function 106 user options, replacing directory entry 270 user-controlled device interrupts 314
user-defined lock 217 USERSECT (User Area) 315
v V=R machine, used with single processor mode 47 VCHBLOK 513
VCHADD (virtual channel address) 513 VCHSTAT (status) 513 VCHTYPE (type) 513 VCUBLOK 513 VCUADD (virtual channel address) 513 VCUSTAT (status) 514
VCUTYPE (type) 514
VDEVADD (virtual device address) 514
VDEVCFLG (virtual console flags) 514 VDEVCSW (virtual CSW) 514
VDEVEXTN (virtual spool extension) 514
VDEVFLAG (device dependent information) 514
VDEVFLG2 (Reserve/Release flags) 514 VDEVIOB (active 10BLOK pointer) 514
VDEVREAL (real device block address) 514
VDEVRRB (address of VRRBLOK) 514 VDEVSFLG (virtual spooling flags) 514 VDEVSTAT (status) 514
. verifying e;ustence of saved systems 255
block multiplexer channel option 41
console functions, DIAGNOSE instruction 225
operator's console 2
processor 2
virtual console, operator 2
virtual devices, I/O 2
virtual interval timer assist 39, 205 virtual machine assist feature
described 37
restrictions for use of 38
usage 38
Virtual Machine Communication Facility (VMCF) See also VMCF (Virtual Machine Communication FacilĀ­
introduction to 83 Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370)
using ECPS 41
virtual machine storage size
maximum, replacing directory entry 269
replacing directory entry 268 Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) CMS 303 control program 2
device types in 236 DIAGNOSE instruction in 222
directory 2
load environment 59
program states 14
virtual machines
abend dump 481
abnormal termination 471,475,481
creation 2
described 2 DIAGNOSE instruction usage 222
directory 2
disabled loop 471,473
procedure 484
disabled wait
procedure 474,487
dispatching scheme 15
enabled loop 471, 473
procedure 484
enabled wait
procedure 474,487
with real timer option 487
without real timer option 487 I/O management
attached processor 10 dedicated devices 10 directory 10 mass storage volumes 10 multiprocessor 10 shared devices 10 spooled devices 10 I/O operation 25
interrupt, handled by CP 2
multiple, controlling from a single console 200 operating system 2
for time-shared multi-batch virtual machines 59
Monitor Analysis Program (VMAP) 59
options 29 PSW 14
shared segment operation 80 storage management 3
directory 3
virtual storage 3
time management 3
Index 579 I \., ! I I L.
conversational user 3
non conversational user 3
priority of execution 3
timers 205 unexpected results 471,473
procedure 482
Virtual Reserve/Release support, virtual machine I/O management 10 virtual storage 3
CP 3
virtual storage preservation
purpose of 7 SA VESEQ priority value 8 VMSA VE option 7
virtual=real option 6, 28, 32
VM Monitor 49
collection mechanism 52
considerations 56
data records 543
data volume and overhead 58
header record 542
monitor classes 52
responses to unusual tape conditions 56
tape format and contents 542 VM/SP See Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) VM/VCNA, VM/SP SNA support 177 VM/370 See Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) VMBLOK 476,487,513 VCUSTRT (address of VCUBLOK table) 513
VMCHSTRT (address of VCHBLOK table) 513 VMCOMND (last command) 513 VMDSTAT (dispatching status) 513 VMDVSTRT (address of VDEVBLOK table) 514 VMFSTAT (virtual machine features) 513 VMIOACTV (active channel mask) 513 VMIOINT (I/O interrupts) 513
VMPEND (interrupts pending) 513 VMPSW (virtual PSW) 513 VMRSTAT (running status) 513 VMBLOK lock 216
VMCF (Virtual Machine Communication Facility) 83 DIAGNOSE instruction 83, 97, 256
data transfer error codes 109 return codes 106 external interrupt 103 invoking sub functions 97
protocol 87
IDENTIFY 91 SEND 88 SEND/RECV 89 SENDX 90 return codes 106
special message facility 83
subfunctions 91 AUTHORIZE 91
special message facility 91 580 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
SPECIFIC option 91
table of subfunctions 84
user doubleword 106 using 84
applications 85
general considerations 87
performance considerations 86
security 86
VMCP ARM parameter list 98
VMDUMP command 498
VMDUMP command, summary 490 VMSA VE areas 8 VMSA VE option 7 . Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) 379 VSAM CMS support for 415
data sets, compatibility considerations 416
devices supported under CMS 415
macros supported under CMS 416
support of 380 VSE CMS support
control blocks simulated 411
functions simulated by CMS 386
functions supported 387
hardware supported 387
macros, supervisor 391
supervisor and I/O macros supported 391 VSAM macros supported 416 VSE transient routines 409 VSE, macros, supported under CMS 391
VT AM, service machine, VM/SP SNA support 177
WAIT macro 373
wait state 485
disabled wait 485
enabled wait 487
virtual machine
disabled wait messages 487
enabled wait procedure 487 WEBLOK, VM/SP SNA support 180, 184 WEmLOK, SNA, VM/SP support 184
WRITE macro 381 WTO/WTOR macro 375
XCTL macro 373 Y.DAP macro 373
XEDIT interface to access files in storage 348
ZAP command 501 1 1403 USC buffer images 281,283
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