Accounting Records
The accounting data gathered by VM/SP can help in analysis of overall system
operation. Also, accounting data can be used to bill VM/SP users for time and
other system resources they use.
There are three types of accounting records: the virtual machine user records,
records for dedicated devices as well as T -disk space assigned to virtual machine
users, and accounting records generated as a result of user initiated DIAGNOSE
X'4C'instruction. A CMS batch virtual machine creates an accounting record with
the userid and account number of the user who sent his job to the batch machine.
Accounting records are prepared as 80-character card images and spooled to disk.
When the user wishes, the data can be sent to the punch for punched output, or
spooled to the virtual machine's reader for additional processing. By using the
SYSACNT macro, the user can do this when a specified number of records are
accumulated. By invoking the ACNT CLOSE command, the user does it imme­
Accounting Records for Virtual Machine Resource Usage
The information stored in the accounting record in card image form when a user
ends his terminal session (or when the ACNT command is invoked) is as follows
(columns 1-28 contain character data; all other data is in hexadecimal form, except
as noted):
1- 8
33-36 37-40 41-44
53-56 57-60 61-64
65-78 79-80 Contents
Account number
Date and Time of Accounting (mmddyyhhmmss)
Number of seconds connected to VM/SP System
Milliseconds of processor time used, including time for VM/SP
supervisor functions
Milliseconds of virtual processor time used
Number of page reads
Number of page writes
Number of virtual machine SIO instructions for nonspooled I/O Number of spool cards to virtual punch
Number of spool lines to virtual printer (This includes one line for
each carriage control command)
Total number of spool records from virtual reader
(This is not the number of records read, rather it is the total number
of records in the spool file (SFBRECNO) when the file is open for
Accounting record identification code (01) Accounting Records for Dedicated Devices and Temporary Disk Space
Accounting records are recorded and spooled to disk when a previously dedicated
device and temporary disk space is released by a user via DETACH, LOGOFF, or
releasing from DIAL (dedicated device only). A dedicated device is any device
assigned to a virtual machine for that machine's exclusive use. These include
devices dedicated by the ATTACH command, those being assigned at logon by
directory entries, or by a user establishing a connection (via DIAL) with a system
Accounting Records 69
that has virtual 2702 or 2703 lines. The information on the accounting record in
card image form is as follows (columns 1-28 contain character data; all other data
is in hexadecimal form, except as noted):
1- 8
39-78 79-80 Contents
Account number
Date and Time of Accounting (mmddyyhhmmss)
Number of seconds connected to VM/SP system
Device class
Device type
Model (if any)
Feature (if any)
Number of cylinders of temporary disk space used (if any) or number
of blocks used (columns 37-40) for fixed-block devices. This infor­
mation appears only in a code 03 accounting record.
Unused (columns 41-78 unused for fixed-block devices)
Accounting record identification code (02, 03) The device class, device type, model, and feature codes in columns 33-36 are
shown in Figure Figure 69 on page 521.
Accounting Records for LOGON, AUTOLOG, and LINK Journaling
When LOGON, AUTOLOG, and LINK journaling is on, VM/SP may write type 04, type OS, type 06, or type 07 records to the accounting data set. These records
are written under the following circumstances:
Type 04 records are written when VM/SP detects that a user has issued
enough LOGON or AUTOLOG commands with an invalid password to reach
or exceed an installation defined threshold value.
Type 05 records are written when VM/SP detects that a user has successfully
issued a LINK command to a protected mini disk not owned by that user.
Type 06 records are written when VM/SP detects that a user has issued
enough LINK commands with an invalid password to reach or exceed an instal­
lation defined threshold value.
Type 07 records are written when a user logs off a device controlled by the
VCNA. The records indicate the user's share of the VCNA resource used.
These records have the following formats:
Type 04
1- 8
29-32 33-40 41-48
52-53 70 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
USERID specified on the command
Reserved for IBM use
Date and time of accounting (mmddyyhhmmss)
Terminal address
Invalid password
USERID that issued the AUTOLOG command
Reserved for IBM use
Current invalid password count /
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