Input o
1 The input file and output file are
opened. The input and output
devices must be the same device type. I The extent table is updated to reflect the amount of data to be copied from
. - .
one deVice to anotner. I 2 The heading is written and the message
indicating the start of the copy
function is typed.
The input file is read and the output file is written. If copying from disk to
disk the pointers to the disk records
are updated to the next record. The
read-write cycle continues until the
specified data is copied. When copying
data from tape to tape, the GETTHR
routine performs the record read and
the TESTOUT routine performs the
record write. When copying data
from disk to disk, the BUILDTHR routine performs the record read and
the DASDWRIT routine performs the
record write.
3 The message
END OF COPY indicates the successful completion of
the copy function.
When copying data from tape to tape,
the output tape is positioned as
indicated on the COpy control card.
When the disk to disk copy is complete, >
Open the files. 2 Copy the data.
3 End the copy function. Module DMKDDR
the disk file is closed. Control returns to the GTCARD
routine to read the next control statement.
END OF COpy Module Label Ref
Diagra. 5-5. The Copy Function
Chapter 5. lhe D1SD Duap Restore Prograa 99
Input Processing Output OLr 8 Open the input file (tape or DASD). D
2 Read the input file. 4 End the print function.
3 Print the records on the printer. END OF PRINT Notes Module Label Ref Notes Module Label 1 The input device is opened. If the DMKDDR OPENIN input is on tape, the tape is spaced
forward the designated number of GETEXT
records (if any). The extent table is
updated to reflect the cylinders to be
2 The message DMKDDR MSGOO4 PRINTING xxxxxxxx
is displayed to indicate the start of the PRINT function.
3 The data is read from the input device DMKDDR BUILDTHR via the appropriate (disk or tape) read
routine. The data is converted and PETTHR printed on the system printer. PISPLAY 4 The message DMKDDR EOJ END OF PRINT indicates the successful completion of
the PR I NT function.
5 Control returns to the GTCARD
routine to read the next control statement. I Diagram 5-6. The Print Function 1CC IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
Ref I
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