o --:----> Open the input file (tape or DASD).
2 Read the input file. -or-
1 The input device (either tape or disk)
is opened. If input is on tape, the tape
is spaced forward the designated number
of records (if any). The extent table is updated to reflect the data to be
The records are read from the tape or
disk by the appropriate read routine.
3 The records are displayed on the console. The read and type cycle is continued
until all the specified records are
4 Control returns to the GTCARD
routine to read the next control statement. Module DMKDDR
3 Display the records on the console. 4 If tape input, reposition the tape
if necessary. Label Ref Notes OPENIN GETEXT OMKOOR ETTHR
DMKDDR DISPLAY DMKDDR EOJ Diagram 5-7. The Type Function -----.) requested records Module Label Ref ChapteL 5. The DASD Dump Restore Program 101
Program Organization
This section contains a program description
of the DMKDDR module. DMKDDR xx is the return code from the CMS routine. Usage The DASD dump restore program. Attributes --Serially reusable. foint DMKDDREP. g! R1: Points to a parameter list when DMKDDR is executed under the
control of CMS. g! t
R15: Contains a return code when DMKDDR is executed under the control of CMS. The return codes are:
Code -,--- 2
4 2xx 3xx 4xx A!!gjl!llg Invalid filename or file not
Error while running the program. Flagged DASD track.
P-eraanent tape or DASn I/O error.
Error in the PRINTIO routine.
Error in the CON READ
Error in the RnBUF routine.
Error in the TYPLIN routine.
102 IBM VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic
RO: Work Register.
R1: Pointer to SCANCONT. inFut field froll R2:
R7: RS: R9 : R10: R11:
Pointer to the output (PRINT/TYPE). Work register.
Input count fro. SCANCCNT. Unit address for STARTIO. buffer
Data block count (PRINT/TYPE). Work register.
End of current line (PRINT/TYPE). Work register.
Length of one line (PRINT/TYPE). Pointer to key (PRINT/TYPE). Work register.
Total length of data (PRINT/TYPE). Work register.
Data count (PRINT/TYPE). Number of records cn the track (PRINT/TYPE) Work register. Pointer to the extent table entry.
Current line pointer (PRINT/TYPE). Extent table entry size.
Last line pointer (PRINT/TYPE). Base register 5.
Base register 1.
Base register 2.
Base register 3.
Base register 4.
Return address Pointer to the lOB.
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