(Used on PURGE, RECEIVE, REJECT, REPLY, TESTCMPL) This parameter specifies the message identifier of the message to
search for. The message identifier uniquely identifies a particular
message. IUCV generates the message id and returns it in the SEND parameter list when a message is created.
Specify either the relocatable label of a fullword containing the
message identifier, or the number of a register that contains the
message identifier. IUCV stores the message identifier in the funcĀ­
tion parameter list.
If this parameter is not specified, the IUCV macro assumes that
either the parameter is not needed (for example, when you specify a
message by path id only), or the invoker has stored a value in the
parameter list prior to invoking the IUCV macro.
MSGID= is an optional input to the functions listed above. When a
MSGID is specified, you must also supply the path id, and message
RECEIVE, REJECT and REPLY). If you specify the MSGID= parameter on the IUCV macro, the IPFGMID flag in IPFLAGS 1 is set when you invoke the PURGE, RECEIVE, REJECT or TEST COMPLETION functions.
(Used on ACCEPT, CONNECT) This parameter specifies the limit of outstanding messages to be
allowed on the path established by this CONNECT. A message
limit can also be specified on the lUCY directory control statement.
If a message limit has been specified in the directory, the value you
specify with this parameter of the lUCY macro must not exceed
that limit.
Specify either the relocatable label of a halfword containing the
message limit, or the number of a register that contains the message
limit in the low-order halfword. lUCY stores the message limit in
the function parameter list.
If this parameter is not specified, the macro assumes that either the
parameter is not needed (the value from the directory or the default
is to be used) or the invoker has stored a value in the parameter list
prior to invoking the lUCY macro.
If the message limit is not specified on the lUCY macro or directory
control statement, or if the value has not been stored is the function
parameter list, ten is the default message limit.
The maximum value that can be specified for the message limit is
255. For CP system code, (CP= YES specified), there is no overridĀ­
ing directory value. If MSGLIM is not specified, a default of 10 is
assumed by IUCV.
The originator of the connection sets up the message limit for the
Inter-User Communications Vehicle 133
MSGTAG= (Used on SEND) PATHID= 134 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
This parameter specifies the tag of the message created by invoking
the SEND function. lUCY returns the message tag when the mesĀ­
sage completes. Specify either a relocatable label for a fullword containing the tag or
the number of a register that contains the tag. lUCY stores the tag
in the function parameter list.
If you specify CP=YES, MSGTAG= is not needed. CP system
code uses the MSGTAG field in the parameter list for internal linkĀ­
If this parameter is not specified, the macro assumes that either it is
not valid (for example, if CP= YES is specified) or that the invoker
has stored a value in the parameter list prior to invoking the lUCY macro.
(Used on ACCEPT, PURGE, QUIESCE, RECEIVE, REJECT, REPLY, RESUME, SEND, SEYER, TESTCMPL) This parameter specifies the path identification associated with a
message. lUCY assigns a path identification and returns the value
in the CONNECT parameter list.
All further communications on a path must specify the path id that
was returned from CONNECT. Path ids are sequential from X'OOOO' to the maximum number of connections allowed for this
virtual machine. As paths are severed, the lUCY reuses vacated
path ids. Specify either the relocatable label of a halfword that contains the
path id or the number of a register that contains the path id in the
low-order halfword. lUCY stores the path identifier in the lUCY parameter list.
If this parameter is not specified, the macro assumes that either the
parameter is not needed (for example, if you invoke the SEVER function with ALL = YES) or the invoker has stored a value in the
parameter list prior to invoking the lUCY macro.
If you specify MSGID on the PURGE, RECEIVE, REJECT, REPLY, or TEST COMPLETION functions, lUCY requires that
you specify path id and message class (SRCCLS or TRGCLS, as
appropriate). PATHID= is not valid if ALL=YES is also specified.
If you specify the PATHID= parameter on the lUCY macro, the IPFGPID flag in IPFLAGSI is set for PURGE, RECEIVE,
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