This parameter specifies whether the communicator wishes to allow
messages that contain the message data in the parameter list (for
example, messages sent via the DATA=PRMMSG option).
Specify PRMDAT A= YES if you are willing to receive messages via
the DATA=PRMMSG option in your parameter list.
Specify PRMDATA=NO if you are not willing to receive messages
sent into your parameter list and only accept messages sent using a
buffer. NO is the default if the PRMDATA parameter is not used.
This parameter identifies the IUCV parameter list, which is input to
the actual IUCV instruction or CALL to DMKIUACP. This
parameter list must be a real address if CP= YES (invoked from CP system code) or a guest real address (real to the virtual machine) if
invoked from a virtual machine. The parameter list must be on a
doubleword boundary.
Specify either a relocatable label or the number of a register. If a
label is specified, the macro assumes it is the label of the parameter
list. The address of the parameter list is loaded into general register
1 if CP= YES, or the IUCV instruction is generated to reference the
label if CP=NO. If a register is specified, the macro assumes it
contains the address of the parameter list; the address is loaded into
general register 1 if CP= YES, or the IUCV instruction is generated
to reference the register if CP=NO. This parameter is required for all IUCV functions except QUERY,
If CP system code issues a SEND or CONNECT, the area specified
on this parameter must be the address of an IXBLOK instead of a
parameter list. See the section, "Invoking Communications
between CP and a Virtual Machine" for details. PRMMSG= (Used on SEND, REPLY) PRTY= This parameter specifies the eight bytes of message data that are
moved into the parameter list.
Specify either the relocatable label of the eight bytes of message
data or the number of a register that contains the address of the
When you invoke the CONNECT function, PRTY = YES indicates
that you want to establish a path that can handle priority communi-
Inter-User Communications Vehicle 135
cations. When invoked from a virtual machine, PRIORITY must be
authorized in the IUCV directory entry. When invoked from CP
system code (CP= YES), PRTY = YES is always valid.
When you invoke the SEND and REPLY functions, PFTY = YES indicates that this message or reply is a priority message.
PRTY = YES is only valid if this path can handle priority communi­
Valid values for PRTY = are YES and NO. If not specified, the
default is NO. The originator of the connection sets up the priority for both ends
of the path. QUIESCE= (Used on ACCEPT, CONNECT) SRCCLS= 136 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide QUIESCE= YES indicates that you want to quiesce the path being
established; the other communicator cannot send messages on a
quiesced path.
The valid values for QUIESCE= are YES and NO. If not specified,
the default is NO. You can restore the path to full communication capability by invok­
ing the RESUME function.
This parameter specifies the source message class associated with a
When you invoke the PURGE function, this parameter optionally
specifies the source message class of the message to be purged. If
omitted, IUCV does not use the source message class in the search
for the message.
When you invoke the SEND function, this parameter specifies the
source message class that IUCV stores in the MSGBLOK that
represents the message.
When you invoke the TEST COMPLETION function, this parame­
ter optionally specifies the source message class of the message to
be dequeued. If omitted, IUCV dequeues the first message
encountered on the specified path regardless of its source message
Specify either the relocatable label of a full word containing the
source message class or the number of a register containing the
source message class. IUCV stores the source message class in the
function parameter list.
If this parameter .i.l0t specified, the macro assumes either that the
parameter is not needed (for example, if you invoke a PURGE by
path id alone), or that the invoker has stored a value in the parame­
ter list prior to invoking the IUCV macro.
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