X'7F' ,63X'80' X'7F' ,9X'80' ,X'302E31322D3315' 9X'80' ,X'342223353637210C' ,9X'80' X'1617393A3B',9X'80', '3F3COAOB2F303E' 65X'80' ,X'2425262728292A2B2C' 7X'80' ,X'18191A1B1C1D1E1F20' 6X'80' ,X'38800DOEOF1011121314' 6X'80' ,X'09000102030405060708' 6X'80' F64, (64,64,64,64,64,64,64,64)
UCC Buffer Images for the 3203 Printer
The uee buffer contains up to 240 characters and supports the 3203 printer. To
add a new uee buffer image, first code the uee macro. This creates a 12-byte
header for the buffer load that is used by ep. The format of the uee macro is: I uee I uccname
uccname is a 1-to 4-character name that is assigned to the buffer load.
Next, supply the exact print image. The print image is supplied by coding Des in
hexadecimal or character format. The print image may consist of several DCs, the
total length of the print image cannot exceed 240 characters.
The ucecew macro must immediately follow the 64-byte associative field, which
must follow the print image. (See Note 3.) This macro creates a eew string to
print the buffer load image when VER is specified by the operator on the LOADBUF command. The format of the ueeeew macro is:
uccname I ueeeew I uccname[,(print1,print2, ... ,print12)]
is a 1-to 4-character name that is assigned to the buffer load by the
uee macro.
[(print1 , ... ,print 12)]
is the line length (or number of characters to be printed by the corre­
sponding eeW) for the verify operation. Each count specified must
be between 1 and 132 (the length of the print line on a 3203 printer)
and the default line length is 48 characters. Up to 12 print fields may
be specified. However, the total number of characters to be printed
may not exceed 240. Finally, insert the macros just coded, uee and ueeeew, into the DMKUCe
module. This module must be reloaded. DMKUee is a page able module with no
executable code. DMKUee must be on a page boundary and cannot exceed a full
page in size. If DMKUeC exceeds a page boundary (4K), an error message is
Examples of New uee Buffer Images
Example 1: You do not have to specify the line length for verification of the buffer
load. Insert the following code in DMKUee:
Print Buffers and Forms Control 289
DC UCCCCW EX01 5CL'1234567890A ... Z1234567890*/' X'00101010101010101010004000404000' X'40101010101010101010004040400000' X'40401010101010101010004000000000' X'10101010101010101010000000404000' EX01 240-255 256-271
272-287 288-303 The buffer image is 5 representations of a 48-character string containing: The alphabetic characters
The numeric digits, twice
The special characters: * and /
Since the line length for the print verification is not specified on the ueeeew
macro, it defaults to 48 characters per line for 5 lines.
Example 2: Insert the following code in DMKUee: UCC DC
uceccw NUM1 24CL'1234567890' X'00101010101010101010004000404000' X'40101010101010101010004040400000' X'40401010101010101010004000000000' X'10101010101010101010000000404000' NUM1, (60,60,60,60) 240-255 256-271
272-287 288-303 The NUM1 print buffer consists of twenty-four 10-character entries. If, after DMKUee is reloaded, the command LOADBUF OOE uec NUM1 VER
is specified, 4 lines of 60 characters (the 10-character string repeated 6 times) are
printed to verify the buffer load.
Note: The ues buffer for the 3203 MODEL 4 and MODEL 5 printers is pro­
grammed essentially the same as for the 1403 printer. You should follow the same
procedures for programming this buffer, noting the differences listed below.
1. Instead of the ues macro, code the uee macro (which is equivalent to the
ues macro for the 1403). 2. The print train image should be 240 bytes long.
3. Immediately after the print image, the DUAL and UNeOMPARABLE TABLE (DUCT) should appear. The DUCT should be 64 bytes long and start
at byte 240 in the ues buffer.
4. Following the DUCT should be the ueeeew macro (which is equivalent to
the ueseew macro).
5. Finally, the completed macros and ues data should be inserted into the
DMKUee module.
Note that when the ueeeew macro is coded, you may specify that a maximum of 240 bytes is to be printed.
Also, the ues buffer for the 3203 MODEL 5 printer must be 304 bytes long,
while the ues buffer for the 3203 MODEL 4 printer may be less (however, if the 290 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
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