LOADBUF command is issued, the buffer must be 304 bytes long). For informa­
tion on the effects of the lower UCS buffer length, you should consult the 3203 Component Description and Operator's Guide, GS33-1515.
For more information on coding the DUCT, consult the 3203 MODEL 5 Compo­
nent Description and Operator's Guide, (GA33-1529), or the 3203 Component
Description and Operator's Guide, (GA33-1515).
PIB Buffer Images for the 3262 Model I and II Printers
The PIB buffer contains up to 132 characters and supports the 3262 printer. To
add a new PIB buffer image, first code the PIB macro. This creates a 12-byte
header for the buffer load that is used by CPo The format of the PIB macro is: I PIB I pibname
pibname is a 1-to 4-byte character name that is assigned to the buffer load.
Next, supply the exact print image. The print image is supplied by coding DCs in
hexadecimal or character format. The print image may consist of several DCs, the
total length of the print image cannot exceed 288 characters.
The PIBCCW macro must immediately follow the print image. This macro creates
a CCW string to print the buffer load image when VER is specified by the operator
on the LOADBUF command. The format of the PIBCCW macro is: I PIBCCW I pibname [,(printl,print2, ... , printl2)]
pibname is a 1-to 4-character name that is assigned to the buffer load.
[,(print1,print2, ... ,print12)]
specifies the length of each line (up to 12 lines) printer to verify the
buffer contents. The line length must be between 1 and 132 (the
length of the print line on a 3262 printer) and the default line length is
24 characters. Up tQ 12 print fields can be specified. However, the
total number of characters to be printed may not exceed 288.
Finally, insert the macros just codes, PIB and PIBCCW, into the DMKPIB module.
This module must be reloaded. DMKPIB is a pageable module with no executable
code. DMKPIB must be on a page boundary and cannot exceed a full page in size.
If DMKPIB exceeds a page boundary (4K), an error message is issued.
Examples of New PIB Buffer Images
Example 1: You do not have to specify the line length for verification of the buffer
load. Insert the following in DMKPIB:
DC 8CL36'1234567890 ... WXYZ' PIBCCW EX01
The buffer image is 8 representations of a 24-character string containing:
Print Buffers and Forms Control 291
Forms Control Buffer
The numeric digits
The alphabetic characters
Since the line length for the print verification is not specified on the PIBCCW mac­
ro, it defaults to 24 characters per line for 8 lines.
Example 2: Insert the following code in DMKPIB: PIB EX02 DC 8CL36'1234567890 ... WXYZ' PIBCCW EX02, (36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36)
The EX02 print buffer consists of eight 36-character entries. If, after DMKPIB is
reloaded, the command: LOADBUF OOE PIB EX02 VER
is specified, 8 lines of 36 characters are printed to verify the buffer load.
It is possible to have a forms control buffer with both a virtual and real 3211-type
(3203,3211,3262-1/5/11,3289 Model 4, 4245) printer. A virtual 3211-type
printer file can be printed on a real 1403; in fact, one way to provide forms control
for a 1403 is to define it as a virtual 3211.
There is an FCB macro to support 3211-type forms control. The format of the
FCB macro is:
fcbname,space,length, (line,channel. .. ) ,index
is the name of the forms control buffer. "fcbname" can be one to
four alphameric characters.
is the number of lines/inch. Valid specifications are 6 or 8. This
operand may be omitted: the default is 6 lines/inch. When the space
operand is omitted, a comma (,) must be coded. Spacing has no mean­
ing for a virtual printer.
is the number of print lines per page or carriage tape (1 to 255).
(line,channel. .. )
shows which print line (line) prints in each channel (channeL.). "channel" values range from 1 to 12. Refer to the previous "Print
Buffers and Forms Control" section for the VM/SP supplied buffer
images for the FOB. The entries can be specified in any order.
index is an index value (from 1 to 31). "index" specifies the print position
that is to be the first printed position. "index" is valid only for the
3211 printer. The "index" specification is not accepted for other
printers. (The "index" specification can be overridden with the LOADBUF command).
292 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide /
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