2. Terminates all VMCF activity.
3. Reinitializes the SVC handler, DMSITS, and frees all stacked save areas.
4. Clears the auxiliary directories, if any. Invokes "FINIS * * *", to close all
files, and to update the master file directory.
5. Zeroes out EXECFLAG and frees CMS EXEC global storage.
6. Zeroes out the maclib directory pointers.
7. Frees the eMS work area, if the CMS subset was active.
8. Issues the STAE, SPIE, TTIMER9 and STAX macros to cancel any out­
standing OS exit routines. Frees any TXTLIB, MACLIB, or LINK tables.
9. Calls with a purge plist, all nucleus extensions that have the "SERVICE" attribute defined.
10. Drops all nucleus extensions that do not have the "SYSTEM" attribute.
Also drops any nucleus extensions that are in type user storage.
11. Frees all SCBLOCKs associated with SUBCOM. 12. Clears all immediate commands that are not nucleus extensions with the "SYSTEM" attribute. Returns all associated free storage.
13. Frees all storage of type user.
14. Zeroes out all interrupt handler pointers in IOSECT. 15. Turns the SVCTRACE command off.
16. Closes the virtual punch and printer. Closes the virtual reader with the HOLD option.
17. Zeroes out all FCB, DOSCB, and LABSECT pointers.
18. Reinitializes the VSE lock table used by CMS/DOS and CMS/VSAM. 19. Zeroes out all OS loader blocks, and frees the FETCH work area.
20. Disables the CMS IUCV environment, and frees CMS IUCV system stor­
21. Clears all ABNEXIT set and frees storage.
22. Computes the amount of system free storage that should be allocated and
compares this amount with the amount of free storage actually allocated.
Types a message to the user if the two amounts are unequal.
23. Issues a STRINIT if all storage is accounted for.
After abend recovery has been completed, control passes to DMSINT at entry
point DMSINT AB to process the new command that was typed in.
Introduction to Debugging 479
480 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
When the amount of storage actually allocated is less than the amount that
should be allocated, the message
DMSABN149T xxxx DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED appears on the terminal. If the amount of storage actually allocated is greater
than the amount that should be allocated, the message DMSABN150W nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT RECOVERED A Debugging Procedure: When a CMS abend occurs, use the DEBUG subcom­
mands or CP commands to examine the PSW and specific areas of low storage.
For instructions on how to use the CMS debug commands, see "CMS Debug­
ging Commands" in this section. For instructions on how to use the CP com­
mands, see "An Overview of VM/SP Commands that can be Used for Debugging" in this section. See Figure 66 for a comparison of the CP and CMS debugging facilities.
The following procedure may be useful in determining the cause of a CMS abend:
1. Display the PSW. (Use the CP DISPLAY command or CMS debug PSW subcommand.) Compare the PSW instruction address with the current CMS load map trying to determine the module that caused the abend. The CMS storage-resident nucleus routines reside in fixed storage locations.
Also check the interruption code in the PSW. 2. Examine areas of low storage. The information in low storage can tell you
more about the cause of the abend.
Contains the name of the last module loaded into stor­
age via the LOAD MOD command.
Contains the name of the last module loaded into the
transient area.
Contains the name of the last command issued from the CMS or XEDIT command line. If a command issued in
a CMS EXEC abnormally terminates, this field contains
the name of the command. When a CMS EXEC com­
pletes, this field contains the name 'EXEC'. EXEC 2
and System Product Interpreter do not update this field.
Contains the name of the next-to-Iast command issued
from the CMS or XED IT command line. If a command
issued in a CMS EXEC abnormally terminates, this field
contains the name 'EXEC'. When a CMS EXEC com­
pletes, this field contains the last command issued from
the CMS EXEC. EXEC 2 and System Product Inter­
preter do not update this field.
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