Index Special Characters
&CRASH command 527
$$BCLOSE transient 410 $$BDUMP transient 410 $$BOPEN transient 410 $$BOPENR transient 410 $$BOPNLB transient 410 $$BOPNR2 transient 410 $$BOPNR3 transient 410 $$BOSVLT transient 410 A
See abnormal termination (abend)
ABEND macro 374
abnormal temlination (abend)
See also problem, types
CMS abend
debugging 476
reason for 532
reasons for 477
recovery 478
collect information 508, 532 CP abend
debugging 475
reason for 475,507 recovery 507 CP dump 506 CP system restart 476
dump 506, 529
See also CMS (Conversational Monitor System),
See also CP (Control Program), dump
attached processor 506 mUltiprocessor 506 in CMS 469
in CP 467
in DOS 469
in OS 469
internal trace table 508 messages 467
of system routine 477 OS (operating system), debugging 481
program check in CP 475
program interrupt 22
programmable operator facility 424, 438
reason for 475,477,532
register usage 508 SVC 0 475,507 system 477
virtual machine abend, debugging 481 ACCEPT IUCV function 110
parameter list format 142
using 120 logical device support facility subfunction 204, 260, 262
ACCESS command, accessing OS data sets 383
access method, OS, support of 379
account number, replacing directory entry 270 accounting
ACCTOFF routine 72
ACCTON routine 72
created by user 71
for AUTOLOG, LOGON, and LINK journaling 70 format for dedicated devices 69
format for virtual machines 69
generating 243
when to punch 69
user options 72 VM/SP SNA support 186
action routines
See programmable operator facility
activating the TOD-clock accounting interface 257
Active Disk Table (ADT) 459, 534
Active File Table (AFT) 534
address, stop 499 ADSTOP command 499
summary 489
See Active Disk Table (ADT)
affinity 218
in attached processor or multiprocessor mode 34
See Active File Table (AFT)
allocating storage 328
altering storage 500 alternate path support 44
assembler virtual storage requirements 462-464
ASSGN command 390 assigning, dedicated channels to virtual machine 11
ATTACH macro 376
attached processor mode (AP)
abnormal termination, dump 506 advantages 209 affinity 34,218
lockwords 220 PSA 220 trace table 220 fetching and storing 213
identify processor address 210 improving performance of 47
locking 214
prefixing 209 real 1/ 0 interrupts 23
shared segments 218
signaling 211
SIGNAL macro 211
special code in CP 208 storage 209 synchronous interrupts 23
time-of-day clock 213 TOD clock 206 virtual machine 110 management 10 attaching, virtual devices 10 audit trail, IUCV 118
AUTHORIZE, VMCF subfunction 91 AUTOLOG command, journaling 300 auxiliary directories 458-461
adding 458
creating 459
DMSLADAD, entry for auxiliary directories 459
establishing linkage 459
GENDIRT command 458
generating 458
initializing 458 Index 563
saving resources 458
B BACKS PAC command, 3800 printer support 296 BALRSA VB (BAL register save area) 476, 509 batch, facility , See CMS Batch Facility
restrictions on 382
support of 380 BEGIN conimand 499
summary 489
BLDL macro 374
blocks, control CMS 531 CP 512 BPAM, support of 380 BSAM/QSAM, support of 380 BSP macro 378
forms control 281
print 281
calculating, dispatching priority 16
CANCEL, VMCF subfunction 92
CAW (Channel Address Word)
displaying 491
operand, of DISPLAY command 491
subcommand, of DEBUG command 491
CHANGE command, 3800 printer support 296
Channel Address Word See CAW (Channel Address Word)
channel check 482
channel program, modification 239
Channel Status Word See CSW (Channel Status Word)
channel usage 41
CHAP macro 376
character arrangement tables, 3800 printer 295
character modification, 3800 printer 295
CHECK macro 378
CHKPT macro 377
privilege 13
clock, comparator 206 CLOSE command 506 usage 481 CLOSE/TCLOSE macro 375
CMNDLINE (command line) 533 CMS (Conversationall'.ionitor System) See also virtual machines
ABEND macro 477
abnormal termination 310,471,476
collect information 532
exit routine processing 310 messages 469
procedure 476,478,532
processing 310 reason for 532
recovery 311,478
564 VM/SP System Programmer's Guide
auxiliary directories 458
Batch Facility 418 See also CMS Batch Facility
blip facility 17
called routine modifications to system area 345
called routine table 343
command language 303 command processing 340 commands See CMS commands
control blocks, relationships 531
devices supported 316
DEVTAB (Device Table) 316
display PSW 480 DISPW macro 350 DMSABN macro description 478 DMSEXS 334 DMSFREE 318
free storage management 324
macro description 324
service routines 330 DMSFRES macro description 330 DMSFRET macro description 328 DMSFST macro description 458 DMSINA 339 DMSINT 339 DMSIOW 313 DMSITE 314 DMSm 313 DMSnp 314 DMSITS 312,334 DMSKEY 333 DMSNUC 318
dump 529
at abnormal termination 529
examine low storage 532
format 530 message 532
examine low storage 480 file system 303 migration from 800-byte to VM/SP 304 free storage management 323 DMSFREE macro 324
functional information 315
GETMAIN macro instruction 318
halt execution (HX) 477
how to approach problems 466
how to save it 417
interface with display terminals 350 interrupt handling 312
introduction 303 IUCV support 355
between two virtual machines 365 CMSIUCV 359
guidelines and limitations 367 HNDIUCV 355
load map 480, 529
loader tables 318
low storage 480 macro library 558
nucleus 318
nucleus load map 529
program development 309 program, exception 477 PSW keys 332
register restoration 345
register usage 315,534
releasing allocated storage 329
releasing storage 328
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